The start of something New

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"Ok let's not ruin my outfit today Jesus. I'm wearing white not black like your soul." Jesus picked up his skateboard and rolled his eyes at Brayleigh. "Well maybe you shouldn't have worn white today." "I wore this because i had stuff to do today. Now i'm coming home with you two so i can see how Brandon's audition went." He smiled at me as Mariana hugged my arm. "You're the best but also a pain in my ass. I love it!" I chuckled as we headed into the home. "Hello my children! that means you to Brayleigh." I smiled. "Hey Lena." We all sat at the table and then noticed the other girl there. "Who's this?" "Oh this is Callie, She's our new foster kid. Callie, this is Mariana and Jesus our foster twins we adopted 5 years ago and this is Brooklyn. She lives right next door and has been since i could remember." She smiled at me and i smiled back. "So Jesus, Mariana get plates and cups. Bray please get the milk out." As i got the milk out i heard Callie ask for the bathroom.  Drinks we poured and plates were starting to be made when Stef and Brandon came in. "Hello! Brandon, how was the audition." he sat down next to me and bumped my shoulder making me smile. "Well i'm going to the finals tomorrow so thats a good thing." i looked at him. "Good thing? that's a great thing! that's a 5,000 dollar scholarship to the college of your choice." he shrugged. "I don't wanna make a big deal until i win." I nodded understanding what he meant and taking a bite of food. Callie came back from the bathroom and Lena explained who she was to Brandon and Stef and to Callie who Brandon and Stef was. "So you're dykes?"everyone became quite and i kinda choked on the milk i was drinking. That was not expected and no one really knew how to answer her question. Well, except Jesus. "They prefer the term human but yea. They're Lesbians." Someones phone started ringing and everyone looked at there phones. Turns up it was mine. I looked at the caller and looked at it shocked. I looked up at Lena and Stef and they nodded. I headed into the living room and answered it. "Daddy?" "Hey babygirl. we became a million dollars richer!!!" I smiled. "You won?!?" "Yes baby and trust me i'm getting you here as fast as i can but your mom isn't answering the phone." "She never does daddy." "So how was the summer with Paulie and Cara. Fun?" "I mean yea, until mom found out you weren't there and said i had to go back." "I promise sweetheart i have the best lawyers trying to get you here full time but we have nothing really against her or proof right now." I frowned knowing he was going to say that. "I know." "Is there anything else you want to tell me pumpkin?" the tears started flowing. "I just really miss you." i could tell he was tearing up to. "I miss you to pumpkin. i swear i'm trying to get you here as fast as i can." i nodded forgetting he can't see me. "I have to go to do some interviews but when i get home i'll text you ok?" "Yea daddy thats ok." "I love you babygirl stay strong." "Love you to daddy, til the end." with that the call ended and i walked into the kitchen/eating area. they all looked at me. "It was my dad." They all waited for me to continue. "He won but somehow they're not letting him have anymore time with me. i have to wait til Christmas." Stef and Lena hugged me. "Hey look on the bright side, thats only a few weeks away. and with that million that means more presents." i smiled. They were right. it was November 30 so Christmas was right around the corner. I looked at the time and the color drained out of my face. "I'm sorry but i better be heading home." Mariana frowned. "We can't have a sleepover?" Lena looked at her. "yea you to can have a sleepover, we drive you to school anyways, i'll call your mom and tell her your staying here. You've never had a sleepover here anyways and since we've known you since you were 5 i think it'd be ok" i knew that would only make her angry. "No! I have chores to do before i go to bed tonight anyways and i get very homesick if i'm not there." "Bray i'm sure if you ju-" Before Stef could finish i was out the door and already closing the gate that connects our yards. I walked in the house only to get a smack across my face. "You were supposed to be home over an hour ago!" "I know i'm sor-" "You're sorry?!? that's all you can say?" She hit me again and it sent me to the ground. i could tell she had already used and was drunk by now. It was only 9. "You've been keeping Ben waiting! A paying customer! ANDREW! BEN!" i saw the man come up and smirk down at me. i felt disgusted. Ben was her customer and Andrew was her boyfriend. they've been in this thing together and now they well do things to me. "This is my daughter Brayleigh. Do as you please but make sure to be doing damage." His smirk got bigger and i was disgusted. "Will do mam. Come on sweet cheeks." i cringed and went into the basement. i swear i was gonna die here.

The one that got away (Brandon Foster)Where stories live. Discover now