10: What does he mean?

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The sky above the city slowly landed itself  downwards, seemingly  wrapping  her endless orangish  and navy cloak around the beautiful  city with tall structures, known as places where people live and long grey roads where vehicles with bright yellow eyes sped through.
On the far end of  the  city where a few tall structures stood, mightily  not crouching  their figures made of cement, and a green round area called a park was situated, the blue, moving ocean danced in her own rhythm.

In one of those, mighty buildings, in a comfortable,  cozy apartment  whose owner was called  yn, stood the water prince who already missed turning  his form to water by simply watching  the  ocean before his changing  eyes.

His orbs stayed still but their colour changed from a colour of greenish, turquoise and bright ocean blue.
His own scent got stronger, the more he breathed in the wild smell of raw ocean that was two buildings  and a few miles away from  him.

The ocean seemed to adjust it's way without  him by then.The last three days the ocean seemed impatient and desperate  without  a part of it, he could  feel it. He felt that tingling sensation  on the sensitive  veins of his hands. His foot kept getting  excited  and moved without  his will. It tapped against  the floor impatiently. He felt restless. It was the ocean missing  him for the last three days. He wouldnt  let yn know that.

He knew she would  tell him to go back. But he wanted to stay with yn. She was special. He was addicted to yn. And yn made her way to the ocean herself as if she was addicted too. But he felt the need to make yn see the bond they had created unknowingly. The bond they caress  with their feelings  everyday but yn doesn't realize.

For that the first step was to show the form of him she could  understand. She was already  connected  to him in his other form. She loved him that way. But to understand  that she needed to see the form she'd  realize  she's loving.

That was happening. Jungkook  knew she was the one.

But she had to be a special being, as if one of them being abnormal wasn't enough.

Because  of who gave her genes, and because  they are mixed, she has to see death and kiss it and probably  not come back. Jungkook  thought as tears already stung his eyes, but he swallowed  them with the burning  lump in his throat.

What was her fault?

Why was it that she had to suffer just because  she was a halfling, just because  her parents  were opposites and just wanted to  have a symbol of their love? Why did it have to be her?

He couldn't  do anything  but love her.
He was bonded to her.
And  there was no way, they could get away from each other when the universe  wanted them together, there  was no way any of them could be in peace after staying  away from each other after getting  connected to each other.

And they had bonded their hearts, slowly stitching them together  long  before.

He moved his head back to  the source of the small poke on his arm , knowing  very well it is the little  devil he was thinking  of.

Yn: When I came here I got your scent  from  the doo--WOAHH!!

Yn just looked into the eyes of the tall man before her after releasing her surprised squeal. She couldn't  take her eyes of those eyes and nor how he glowed up suddenly. She was hypnotized by his beauty. His eyes--those eyes they were changing colours slowly and beautifully and both  times those light colours unlike the dark doe colour she sees resembles the ocean. Even when he's looking at her own eyes, she saw the ocean changing it's colours in his eyes.

Her ears deafened  and all she heard  was the crashing  of waves, all she could inhale was jungkook ' s wild raw smell
and all she could  see was the ocean in his eyes. She couldn't  do anything  else.

Jungkook  :  Yn? Yn--what are you  looking  at, what happened  to your breathing? I can feel it's irregular, yn are you  ok--do you - do you feel dizzy?

Jungkook  :  Tell  me  yn.

And yn finally  found her lost voice only to whisper out.

Yn: I can feel your oceanic urge right now. Your eyes--they're  beautiful.Im stunned, truly.

And with that jungkook ' s heart skipped an unlucky beat.
His eyes that were laced with genuine  worry widened  and his expression  showed he was shook.

He definitely  was. It wasn't  an ordinary  thing. She just felt what the God of water, also the water itself or the water prince felt himself.

She felt what he was feeling  in that moment, they were REALLY  connected.She was really  connected  to the sea,  she could  feel it.

As both stared at each other, in astonishment and admiration  and jungkook finally voiced out a reply with a soft smile.

Jungkook  :  That's because we bonded ourselves  with each other in the most sensational string of connection.

Yn stared at him, trying  to process  all the words and wondered what he meant by that? How is  the string of connection  sensational? What bond do they share?

I wrote this special, one of my personal  favorite  chapters in one of  my ridiculous  ways of writing. I basically made all the objects and nature be described  animalistically.
Tell me what you  think  about  it(:

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