3 - "The cinema"

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Third POV

~ 2 weeks already passed since the day Russia and America became friends. Russia was always the one starting conversations, America even got freaked out sometimes because of not expecting him so suddenly. He got used to it how time went by, and grew closer to Russia more and more. China was not even brave enough to hurt America again, he knew that Russia wouldn't let him and was scared of him. America was glad he got a break from China after a very long time.. and that he finally made a new friend. ~

🇷🇺 Russia's POV 🇷🇺

The weeks went by really quickly since I started talking to America. We were spending some quality time together and got to know eachother more day by day. I even missed one of our hangouts I had with my friends every Friday because America felt stupid in school so I spend the whole Friday with him. I don't regret it tho, the feeling of making someone happy and making them laugh as innocent as they could.. I've never experienced this feeling, it was new. Even when Canada or Japan smiled because of my jokes, when America smiled it was so pure.. i just couldn't help but to smile too. I was glad that I made him happy. And he made me happy too.

Me and America were at the school, minding our own business as usual. It was lunch right now and we were eating ours by the fountain. It was calming because not many people went there.

America : „So what do you think about the food?"

Russia : „Gross as always, you?"

America : „Same buddy."

We started giggling a bit. Even a stupid conversation like this can make us laugh. Then I hear Canada coming to us asking us something.

Canada : „,Hey bro , and hey Russia. I just wanted to ask you if you will go with us to the cinema today. You missed the last one so..."

I looked at America being a little disappointed but he gave me the „, It's ok, go if you want to" look. I looked back at Canada waiting patiently for my answer until I finally decided.

Russia : „Ok I'll go this Friday but only with one condition..  America will come with us. "

Canada looked at me shocked, same with America. America was really confused from what I just said.

America : „W-what?? Me,, you,, Canada,, and all those other people? You know how anxious I am I can't do th-"

Then I grabbed his arms that were moving like crazy from stress before and looked at him with a serious face.

Russia : „America listen. I know you don't like crowds and all but I'm not going without you or without making sure you are safe. I promised to protect you, and that's exactly what I'll do. I promise that if you'll go with us I will never leave your side, however if you don't want to go it's ok. It's just you won't get rid of me."

I smirked at the end of the sentence, making America realized I really do mean it. He slightly blushed , looked at the floor, and then back at me.

America : „*sigh* alright alright, I'll go."

He smiled innocently, oh god the feeling is coming back.

Canada then smiled as well, telling us how sweet of friends we are. He told it like he was saying "friends" ... Like he was teasing us both. We didn't care tho and just kept talking and deciding when and where we will meet.

~~ time skip ~~

I was already ready to go, I put on my jacket with fluff on it's cape and some classic jeans like usual. I also took some really fluffy ushanka of mine and left the house leaving Germany a note since he wasn't home yet.

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