Part 2 - The Dimensions

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Pawn breathed for a moment. "Alright. Let me explain," Pawn said. "Turns out that when you blacked out all that time ago," Pawn was stopped. "Let me stop you right there. You said all that time ago, what do you mean," I asked. "It's been a year and a half. But it looks like you haven't aged a bit," Pawn explained. "It's only been a few hours here," I said. Pawn thought to herself for a moment. "Hmm, looks like inter-dimensional travel is more of a hassle than I thought it was," Pawn said under her breath. "Anyways, when you blacked out, you disappeared. That's why me and Coffee Mug rioted. I didn't think you would end up here, until I asked a few people. Then, someone named Post-it told me that you had traveled inter-dimensionally. So, I tried to find somebody who would teach me, and Post-it led me to someone. I trained there, mastering inter-dimensional travel. It took me a year, and then I had to actually find the correct one, and do some other responsibilities, but now I'm here," Pawn explained. "Also, the news said that you had died, so I was worried for a second," Pawn added. I looked at my watch. There were 18 hours left. "Well, I can totally hit the hay for a bit. I have 18 hours left until I have to get back," I said. I stretch out and laid down on the floor. Just as I was about to fully sleep, Pawn poked me. "You do know I have pillows and blankets, right," Pawn asked. I brightened. I grabbed one blanket and one pillow and laid down to bed. I woke up the next day with absolutely no energy. Pawn nudged me awake. "Wake up sleepyhead! Time to leave," Pawn said, sweating slightly. I opened my eyes and looked at my watch. I had one hour left. "I slept way too much," I shouted, panicking. "We need to go now," I yelled. Pawn started to work on opening a portal. It took her 15 minutes, but she did it. She opened the portal and we walked through. "What is this world," I asked, eyes glowing. "This is the portal hub, also known as the in-between," Pawn said, looking at the endless amounts of inter-dimensional portals in front of her. "It also just so happens to be our home," Pawn said. We climbed up a ladder and we were on some random island, with three suspiciously even sections, and a pimple of the same size. I looked along the horizon and saw some familiar-looking buildings in the distance. "There it is," I said ecstatically, pointing to the buildings of our home. We got on a boat and traveled there. The boat had the picture of a blue hamster on it. I thought nothing of it and shrugged. We sailed closer and closer to the buildings. We were so close, and then we hit something. An invisible wall, if you will. It turned us around, and led us to the previous island. We tried ramming through the invisible wall with as much speed as possible. It worked, invisible glass shards went everywhere. We heard the faint sounds of an alarm in the background. Pawn gulped. "That doesn't sound very good," she said. I made the motor go faster to run away from the alarm. The sounds dimmed until they were not there anymore. They made it to their island and hopped off. "Can you teach me inter-dimensional travel," I asked. Pawn thought, and then nodded. "Climb the highest mountain on Object Land, Mount Rigmo, and then you can learn once you get to the top," Pawn told me. I went to my house and packed all the stuff I would need for the trip. Food, water, and oxygen. I got ready to climb and waved goodbye to Pawn. I climbed up the mountain, trying as hard as I could to preserve all of my resources. I finally made it to the top after what seemed like forever, but in reality, it was only 5 hours. I made it to the top and saw a little shack. I went in, flipping the curtain behind me so that I may walk in. I observed the inside. There was someone sitting in the middle, with small paintings and a carpet on the floor. There was also what seemed to be an area cut off for maybe some service of some sort, as if this building was once public. "Hello," I asked. The winds howled as the person in the middle gave no response. The snow started to really pile up, as the snow already present on the roof fell down onto the floor outside. I tapped the person in the middle on the back and they turned around. They had a cloak on, so that I may not see their face. "I was told by my friend that I might learn inter-dimensional travel while I am here," I explained. "Ah, I see. Pawn told you," the cloaked entity spoke. "How did you know that," I asked while nodding. They flung back the cloak. "Because I know you," said the cloaked person. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "Coffee Mug? Alright, Pawn was one thing, but this? This is a whole other level, this day has been so weird," I said to myself. Coffee Mug chuckled. "Alright, listen up," She started.

Hope you enjoyed this longer part of Universal. I had this in my head for a while now, I feel like I was really going somewhere with this story, and then I just stopped making it, and I felt really bad about it. So, I am now taking it upon myself to remake this story, and fully complete it.

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