Chapter 18

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Aera POV

"I'm totally fine dad, I just fell of the skateboard" I play it off but on the inside it makes me feel all loved how much he worries.

Especially now.

My mind processes the latest events, making the tears rush back into my eyes.

"What's wrong pabo? I know there's something else" He holds out his arms as an invitation for a hug.

Gladly I throw myself in his arms, being squished as he hugs back.

Hiding my face in his strong shoulder I feel all save from the world.

That's why I'm such a sucker for hugs.

Just one hug can hold so many emotions.

"You don't wanna talk about it?" He questioned, while I'm still in his arms.

He knows me so well.

I nod but I don't know if it was noticeable but he knows my answer anyway.

We stay huddled together on the couch a moment longer until my phone goes off in the background, grabbing my attention.

I see a notification from Jungkook pop up but I don't want to read that.

I turn of my phone for now, leaving it on the couch when I grab my backpack to go to my room.

I still have homework after all.

When I get my phone from downstairs a few hours later I don't plan on reading any of my cousins or Jimins texts.

Blocking them both, I type in the little piece of paper that Jung Hoseok, the boy from earlier left with me.

"Just write or call when you need me or just want to." He threw me another one of his pearly white smiles before having to head of to dance practice.

Such a kind soul.


They're . all . staring .  at .  me .


Has the mess I was yesterday already made the round?

Ugh, how I hate these gossip people.

I'm ready to kick some ass today.

Jimin and Kook stand there beside the entrance like always.

I lift my chin, walking by them without even a glance.

If you're going to have a whole love story behind my back and also lead me on than you can eat grass.

I don't need them.

It's their fault that they've lost me.

Every action has consequences.

I'm not gonna be whiny, cry and be heartbroken.

I'm gonna stand my ground, strong and unafraid.

Nobody can hurt me now, the world has already broken me anyways.

I will get over him and forget him.

I will.

Let's kill this love.


But all those resolutions suddenly crumble from my brain when I see him.

I'm in the line to get my lunch and they are at our usual table and the both look quite down.

Guilt. I feel bad.

But I'm not gonna care, they broke my heart first.

Having lost my appetite, I just get myself some chocolate milk and take the seat at an empty table beside a big window.

Heavy clouds are hanging in the sky. Besides the red leaves laying around in piles on the floor, everything's gray.

The trees have lost almost all of their leaves, the sky covered by clouds.

I sip my milk, ignoring the people that come by to ask me what happened.

I must be quite a shock for them.

I've stuck to Jungkook for all my life.

I look up however when someone taps my shoulder softly.

Looking up I meet eyes with a cute girl.

"Might I sit there?" She fidgets with her hair, pointing to the chair opposite me.

She's short, long brown hair that goes to her hips. The fringe goes into her eyes.
She wears a cozy looking sweater and simple jeans, a pair of round glasses are settled on her nose.

"Sure go ahead" I nod, returning my gaze towards the view again.

She squeaks happily and takes the chair and starts eating her lunch, fortunately letting me be antisocial quietly.

She seems nice.

I don't think I've seen here before.

I think she isn't with those annoying gossip girls then.

That makes her in my eyes 1000 times more a decent human being.

"Hey, what's your name?" I ask giving her a short glance.

She smiles like a little kid in a candy shop.

"I'm Kang Yuna. Nice to meet you...."

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