My favorite writing resouces!

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Hey guys!

As a busy mom, and writer, I don't always get to respond to wonderful, young writers of Wattpad asking me for advice. Hence, I'm going to be sharing some of my favorite resources that have helped me immensely. 

I can't link them, but a quick google search will bring them up ;) 

1. Alexa Donne's Youtube Channel

Alexa is a YA Author, who talks about publishing and writing with honesty and humor. I LOVE her channel, and her positive, uplifting, and informative videos. I know there is lots of AuthorTube channels out there, but hers is my favorite. 

2. Brandon Sanderson's FREE Writing Class, all posted on Youtube (I linked the first one above)

Brandon Sanderson is an uber-successful Fantasy writer, and even if you haven't read his books, his class is helpful for any writers (I believe it's geared towards fantasy, but I think it's majorly helpful for all writers, even those of you who aren't scifi or fantasy!). It's also FREE. I believe he taught it live at BYU and it was recorded and uploaded to Youtube. I've watched it all the way through 2 times. 

3. MasterClass

I did a review on Neil Gaiman's MasterClass, in another one of my posted works, but the short is that I thought it was very informative and well-done. There are also lots of other amazing writers on MasterClass, so if you can afford it, I would suggest checking it out!

4. Pitch Wars and Author Mentor Match

These are both free mentorship programs for authors with completed manuscripts, that pair you up with published authors. They are highly competitive, but even if you don't get in, they both have amazing communities and a wealth of resources that are reason in itself to get involved. 

Please do share what your favorite writing resources are so that others can see them in the comments!! I'll be adding more as I think of them ;)

5. Manuscript WishList / Publishers Marketplace / Query Shark

So these are three websites that all have to do with different aspects of traditionally publishing a novel. If you are still writing a novel, try not to worry to much about finding an agent/getting published, etc! Just focus on improving your craft. But if you do want to know more about what goes into getting published, or you are ready to start looking for an agent, these are good places to start learning more ;) Manuscript Wish List is a site where agents post what they are looking for in novels, Pub Marketplace is a site where you can see what book deals are happening and Query Shark is a site where a literary agent critiques peoples query letters (quite hilariously, I might add) ;)

5. A Last Word of Encouragement... and the best resource I've found

I think maybe the most helpful "resource", if you can call it that, has been the writer freinds I have made on Wattpad. Having other writers to talk to when you are stuck or feeling discouraged is priceless, and I think very necessary to being a writer. 

If you are looking for writer friends, look around Wattpad for other writers at a similar place in their writing as you, or writers with similair interests or genres and reach out to them! Don't be discouraged if at first you don't succedd, just keep trying and you'll find others looking connect as well. Wattpad is an amazing place to make freinds! 

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