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Bata watched from the Huffellpuff table as Sirius Black slipped a jar into his pocket and stood up, clapping James Potter on the shoulder. The boys shared a knowing look before they both glanced over at her and smiled. Potter's arrogant smirk made him look like he was on the inside of a joke, but Sirius's was soft and sweet, beckoning her.

She watched as Sirius left the Great Hall, giving a glance back to her as he neared the door, before rounding a corner and disappearing from sight. Bata made a small excuse about have to go check on her things, but she could tell most of her friends didn't believe her. She and Sirius had been sharing glances and hidden kisses for the better part of three months, ever since they had gotten together a day before school started.

Bata had been waiting for this night, she knew what was coming, and apparently, so did her friends. As she hurried out of the Hall, her mind wandered back to the jar Sirius had nicked and she wondered if it had anything to do with what was going to happen. She hoped so. Bata's imagination had been drifting off all day, ever since she found the small square package in the pocket of her uniform.

She rounded the corner, her eyes searching in the dark, knowing he was there. Without a sound, Bata was pushed against the cold stone wall, lips sucking at the pulse in her neck. "Sirius," she whispered, letting her head fall back and giving him more room. His long black hair tickled where it brushed against her neck, and his hands were searching her body for something.

"Let's go," Sirius growled against the skin of her neck, his fingers finding the top buttons of her shirt and undoing them enough to see the top of her bra peak out. "Where'd ya get that?"

Bata blushed in the darkness and shrugged, "In town a few weeks ago..."

"Weeks? Babe, I've been neglecting you," he growled, kissing her needingly on the lips before pulling her down the hall.


Bata laid almost completely naked, save for the few straps of cloth the store had called underwear, staring up at the fully dressed Sirius Black. Her blue and purple hair fanned out around her head, coving the pillow of Sirius's bunk.

"You're so beautiful," Sirius whispered, kissing her softly and pulling the jar out of his pocket. Honey. She could see a little of the label in the candle light, but it was written in another language, German maybe. It was the good stuff; nothing cheep like in the bears her mom bought.

"What's that for?" Bata asked, watching as Sirius placed the honey on a table and started stripping. He kept his slacks and shirt on, the top few buttons undone so she could just get a look at his chest.

"For you. For us," he told her, climbing onto the bunk and straddling her. "Trust me, you'll love it."

Bata did trust him, but she couldn't see how the sticky-sweet syrup that was being poured over her stomach and chest had anything to do with tonight. Until he started licking it up. She shivered as his tongue pressed against her skin and her eyes closed. "Oh, Merlin, Sirius," Bata gasped, her hands grabbing at the bedding.

"Told ya you'd love it," he whispered in her ear before drilling honey down one of her legs. He licked it up slowly, his eyes staying on hers until he got to the strap of her underwear. "You look so sexy in these," he mumbled against her skin, "it's almost a shame to have to take them off..." Sirius's teeth tugged at the bow holding the thong on her hips, slowly working it loose. He let his teeth nip her flesh, causing her to moaned more and he could feel the heat radiating off her. Sitting up to straddle her again, Sirius pulled his shirt over her head and slid his wand from his pocket.

With the mutter of a few unheard words, Bata's arms were tied above her head by an invisible rope. Sirius smiled down at her, watching as her eyes followed his hands down to the zipper of his slacks. He removed his slacks and boxers, revealing his hard-on and making Bata gasped.

Somehow, she knew Sirius was going to be her first, although she wasn't his. He was far too skilled to be new at this, but the strange thing was, Bata was happy she wasn't his first. She felt that half of what made her ache for him was that he pressed all the right buttons.

Sirius dipped his finger into the honey jar and dabbed some on his lips before leaning in and kissing her, his body pressed right up against her's. The sweet taste of Sirius's lips almost distracted Bata from feeling him enter her, but only until she felt herself break.

Sirius's tongue darted into her mouth, covering up her screams and moans as he slowly thrust into her. After a few thrusts, the slow movement picked up and he was sliding in and out of her with ease. His lips fell to her neck where he bit and nipped as she moaned his name, his thrusts getting harder and faster.

He forced Bata's legs to wrap around him as he kissed between her breasts and found the string that kept the black lace bra on. "You're going to come," Sirius whispered as she clinched around him, his lips dusting light kisses on her chest, "I can feel it."

Bata tried to say something, but no words came to her mouth or mind, thankfully, he kissed her again, making her forget about trying to speak. Their tongues would around each other's and her body arched as she came, Sirius following a thrust after.

The invisible ropes on her wrists relaxed and she slid her hands down the rest on Sirius's back. He flipped them over so she was laying on top of him, her head on his chest.

"Sirius?" Bata asked softly, closing her eyes.


"I can hear your heart," she told him, "It isn't lonely anymore."

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