Everything Must End

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Bata sat by the fire, letting it's heat dry her hair. She sighed contently, rubbing the bulge of her stomach. It was only another month or so before she'd get to hold her baby for real. The thought was still so new to her-her baby. Of course, it was Sirius's baby as well, and boy, was he happy to be a father.

She had watched him fondle over his nephew, and godson, Harry for almost a year. Now the wait was almost over and they would get a child of their own. Beatle, they had decided, after their favorite Muggle band. Bea for short, if it was a girl. And, Merlin, Bata hoped it was.

A knock at the door woke Bata from her thoughts, and she slowly stood up, making her way to the front of the little cottage. Sirius had bought it as a birthday present for her and they used it as a little hide away when they wanted a vacation. It was used even more now, after You-Know-Who's rise in power. Only four other people knew where it was.

"Peter," Bata said sweetly as she opened the door. She had warmed up to most of Sirius's friends since they had started dating in 6th year, some faster than others, but the man who stood in front of her had always kept her uneased. "Sirius isn't home yet, I'm... not quite sure when he'll be back."

"I can wait," the mousey man said, pushing past her into the house. There was something odd about his behavior, more than usual.

"If you insist," Bata said softly, trying to put her finger on it. "I'll, um, would you like some tea and cake while you wait?" She asked, trying to put on her best hostess face while still in her robe and pajamas.

"Why not?" Peter shrugged, flopping onto one of the Victorian styled couches, and making Bata press her lips together as she watched the middle sink under the man's weight. "I'm famished."

Bata gave a tight smile before walking into the kitchen and placing a kettle on the stove. "Sirius is out with James and Lily tonight," she called as she looked through the ice chest for the cake Lily had made for the baby shower. Since there was just the two of them, a lot of cake had been left. "I was sure you knew. ... Peter?" Bata asked, straightening up as she heard footsteps behind her. "I hope chocolate is okay, it's all we ha-" The woman turned and froze, the cake platter slipping from her hands and landing on the floor with a plop and a clatter.

"Good evening, Mrs. Black," the cold, snake-like voice said from the other end of the wand pointed at her. "I hope I'm not intruding."

Bata swallowed, her eyes darting from the wand, to the man in front of her, and then cloaked figures behind him. "Of course not, Voldimort," her voice had taken on a sudden chill and thoughts raced into her mind a thousand miles per second.

She was going to die. Her baby would die with her. But she would die looking into his eyes. Showing no fear at him or his name. She would die the proud wife of a Gryffendor.

"Where is the boy?" The tall, pail man asked, looking down at her through silted eyes, his voice calm and detached.

"Go to Hell," Bata growled, before her eyes slipped over his shoulder. From where she stood, she could see the front entryway, and she could see her husband's friend trying to sneak out. To get help, she tried to convince herself in the second, to get someone to help me.

That small bubble of hope popped as the man was forced back inside, screaming, "I know! I'll tell you!"

The woman's heart dropped as the evil lord in front of her smiled a blood curdling grin and she dripped the ring in her finger tightly as as he spoke the last words she'd ever hear.

"Avada Kedavra."


"You'll never guess what Harry did today," Sirius laughed, walking into his wife's house. He always considered it her house, even though they both lived there. He had bought it to make her happy, and let her pick out everything from the wall color to the furniture to what flowers they grew outside.

His first clue that something was wrong was when she didn't answer, but of course that was a lie. An hour before he had felt a pinch in his heart, like something happened. The last time he had a feeling like that was before they had gotten married and were still in school, he had found Bata crying in his bed in the Gryffendor dorm. That had been the first baby they lost.

Sirius Black told himself that nothing was wrong, that his wife had gone to bed early, that their baby was fine. But as he entered the front room, he knew. He could see. His wife laid in the kitchen, slumped against a still open refrigerator. Her eyes were open and unseeing with her body crumbled on the ground.

"No," the man whispered, running to his wife and falling to his knees, "No, no, Bata, look at me. Please, baby..."

Sirius sat by his wife's body for a long time, silent tears falling to the floor. He kept his hands wrapped around her's not wanting to let go. It had been nearly three hours when a though struck him. "James..."

Sirius jumped to his feet, slipping his wife's ring off her finger and into his pocket. He would come back for the rest later. He would plan the grandest funeral ever, but right then he had to get to his best friend.


He was too late. Both James and Lily were dead. Looking down at the child in his arms, he didn't know what to do. He wanted to run away. Leave this whole thing behind. Take Harry and move to America, or Canada, or somewhere no one could find them.

But what kind of man would he be if he ran? What kind of life would his godson have if Sirius kept him locked away? That was the coward's way out.

He wrapped the baby in a blanket and sent him to the only person he could trust at this moment, the only person he knew could take good care of his best friend's child. Dumbledor would know what to do from there.

Sirius hurried back to his wife, leaving James and Lily together in their home, but when he got back to the cottage all he could see was orange and red flames, licking up the wood walls. A man stood with his back to him, also watching the flames. A man he knew. A man he had been friends with.

"Murderer," Sirius growled, lunging at the man and turning dog mid air. Before he made contact, a force threw him back. Dazed, Sirius watched as Peter Pettigrew's finger fell to the ground.

"Sorry mate, everything must end," the mace said before giving a luitic snicker and turning into a rat.

The words echoed many times in Sirius's head before he gathered enough strength to run. Everything must end.

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