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the two boys ran for a little bit thinking the guy hadn't actually called the police but then they saw flashing lights shining coming in their direction.

mark took action immediately and ran with donghyuck into a little bush that they could crawl through to hopefully get away from the police that were right on their tail.

if the police caught them mark was sure he would end up going to jail and he couldn't leave his three best friends and he didn't want to leave donghyuck either he liked where his relationship with the boy was going they were getting closer.

he knew donghyuck wouldn't go to jail but it wouldn't turn out good for him because his parents would be informed and that wouldn't go down well for any kid with parents around.

the boys hid in the bush for a while breathing heavily as they waited for the police to pass them, they couldn't move too much in fear of the police being able to see them from their car.

some time passed before they were sure the coast was clear for them to crawl out the other side of the bush, mark going first he made his way trying to avoid getting branches in his eyes, donghyuck followed the same path as mark.

they stood up and looked at each other both boys were covered in dirt and mud from being in the bush but that was the least of their worries at the moment.

after a few minutes mark was about to speak up but was cut off when donghyuck started to talk "that was awesome! i feel so free!!" donghyuck was jumping up and down in his spot quietly clapping his hands.

mark could tell this was the youngers first time doing anything like this and laughed he was glad the tanned boy wasn't mad at him for getting them into this situation.

mark let out a sigh before donghyuck spoke again "what did you even take?" the younger boy asked curiously eyeing marks pockets as he waited for him to answer.

"cigarettes" mark shrugged, donghyuck gasped he never met anyone who smoked because no student or teacher at the school was allowed to smoke and none of them dared to break the rules.

donghyuck was curious about smoking like what it tasted like when you inhaled and how it felt after but he knew the consequences of smoking from his classes and didn't feel like ruining his lungs just yet.

"do you want to try one? you've been looking at the box for a while" mark shakes the box a little as he opens the seal of it, donghyuck furiously shakes his head making mark chuckle a little.

mark opens the box slowly looking at all the cigarettes it's been far too long since he's smoked and by that he meant two days maximum.

he searched around his pockets looking for the lighter he always carried with him no matter the circumstances, once he found it he tried it a few times before lighting it and taking a draw of the small cancer stick.

donghyuck was just watching him as he did the younger had always had a fascination with fire he absolutely loved it, he slowly reached out for the lighter in marks hand but before he could get the neon lighter into his grasp mark grabbed on to his hand and held it tightly.

"aw thank you hyuckie for holding my hand, let's go baby boy the swings are over there" mark says smirking down at the younger who is still looking at their intertwined hands with wide eyes... all he wanted was the lighter to see fire again.

they slowly walked over to the swing set that sat at the back railing, it was dark as they walked with only one street light to light the way.

mark swung their hands back and forth donghyuck was sure he would start skipping any minute now, this isn't what he imagined the new boy to be like he imagined some scary looking guys with beards not someone who was swinging their hands.

the two boys made it to the swing set, sitting one the right of the two swings donghyuck started to push himself on it getting higher and higher by the minute, mark on the other hand just sat on the swing finishing the cigarette he had started not to long ago he to finish it right to the filter because he didn't know when he'd be able to get another pack.

"hey! there they are get them" the two boys heard what they could only assume was the police officers again, donghyuck jumped off the swing as it was swinging forward while mark started running.

the boys ran through the park making sure to hide their faces as they ran, they ran out of the park trying to lose the police officers on the way so they wouldn't see that they came from the school.

by luck donghyuck pulled mark up a small alleyway that would take them to the school hopefully, in all honesty the younger didn't really know his way around but could definitely try.

they heard the police officers run past them instead of going in the alleyway and sighed as they knew they were safe now unless the police officers turned back.

they began walking up the alleyway being wary of the random rocks on the path, mark thought he was going to go to jail for the second time tonight but was glad donghyuck kind of knew his way around the streets and got them to safety, he draped his arm around the smaller boy before giving him a tight side hug to show his appreciation.

the boys walked back to the school and had to drag each other up the same way they got down, this time donghyuck sitting on marks shoulders and pulling himself up and then letting mark hold on to his hands and get up that way.

while donghyuck was sat on marks shoulders the elder couldn't help but think about how thick donghyucks thighs look and how badly he wanted to squeeze them, he ignored the thought because he knew the younger would let out a gasp and they had to be extra quiet right now but he could always do it another time.

the boys creeped down the halls being mindful of any security guards they might encounter, donghyucks room came first mark blew him a little kiss making the younger blush before entering his room quietly trying not to wake his sleeping roommate.

by the time both the boys were in their rooms it was well past midnight, probably closing in on two in the morning. as soon as donghyuck was out of his messy clothes he put on his sleep clothes and falls asleep almost immediately after his head hit the pillow.


thank you all for 200 reads that's crazy!! i don't know how far this story will go but i'm definitely thinking it'll have 20+ chapters at least if not more because i've got loads of ideas in my notes.

anyways thank you again have a good day and stay mad elegant

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