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it was later that night, both mark and jisung had gone back to their room about an hour ago just before they had to be back.

jeno and jaemin were both washing up, jeno was in the bathroom brushing his teeth with only a towel round his waist after just getting out of the shower about ten minutes ago.

jaemin was also in the bathroom but he wasn't doing anything like washing up, no he was screaming bloody murder about a spider he had seen, the younger boy was stood on top of the toilet with a broom in his hand waving it about trying to intimidate the spider.

the eldest of the pair was doing his best to ignore the scared boy and he was doing a pretty good job at it,  he wasn't scared of the spider so he wasn't going to freak out like jaemin.

suddenly they heard a knock at the door making them both freak out, it was probably security coming to tell jaemin to shut up and go to bed.

jeno went to answer the door still just in his towel that was perfectly showing his v line, the boy was surprised when he saw renjun standing there with his head low and hands clasped together.

renjun gulped as he saw jeno in just a towel, the elder boy saw jenos well defined arms and abs and almost fell backwards on to the wooden hall behind him.

"what can i do for you little one" jeno said smirking at the smaller boy when he noticed he was staring at his body  "do you want to touch them little one?" jeno said still smirking, renjun blushed bright red after hearing what jeno said.

"w-what do you mean" renjun said, he knew exactly what jeno meant but he didn't want to admit it and make jeno laugh at him or do anything. 

"i said do you want to touch little one i think you know what i meant" jeno said breath fanning against renjuns ear making the older boy blush even redder.

what the elder didn't expect was for jeno to take his hand and guide it to his abs, renjuns hand was laid out flat on them he felt every dip of them and every time they raised up again, the elder boy was shocked at how well toned the boy was even though he was still young. 

"now little one i'll ask again what brings you here at this hour isn't it cold out in the halls?" jeno asked as the elder slowly removed his hand from his abs, he could still see the prominent blush on the others face.

"ah w-well you see i got locked out of me a-and chenles dorm and can't w-wake him or donghyuck u-up" renjun said voice shaking a little because he was still intimidated by the boys that livid in this dorm.

"well that just won't do little one, come in and let's get you some pyjamas" jeno said putting his hand on the older back to give him a slight push into the dorms.

the younger followed behind renjun making sure to get in his daily look at renjuns butt while he was at it, renjun stood in the middle of the room while jeno went through him and jaemins small selection of clothes, he knew that jaemins would fit renjun better but he wanted them to look very oversized so he used his clothes.

he handed renjun a dark grey shirt and some basket ball shorts to which renjun thanked him profusely, by this time jaemin was out of the bathroom and standing behind renjun who still hadn't noticed him.

"u-uh i'll go change in the bathroom now" renjun said before swiftly turning round and trying to get to the bathroom only to be stopped when he ran into what felt like a wall.

"why don't you change in front of us little one you know we don't bite" jaemin said making renjun jump almost his own height in fear, the elder clearly didn't know jaemin was standing there.

"n-no i'm ok i-i think t-thank you though" renjun said trying to get away from jaemin only to be stopped when not one but two strong pairs of arms wrapped around him basically stopping him from getting away.

"are you sure baby boy" jeno said pressed against renjuns back while jaemin was pressed firmly against his front.

the smaller boy squealed and ducked under both the pairs of strong arms and running into the bathroom before locking the door, renjun put his hand over his heart to try calm his breathing.

renjun was confused as to what he was feeling why were these boys making his heart race all the time, the elder boy thought he could have an unexplained heart problem that he would have to ask someone about but for right now he would have to ignore the feeling and get dressed.

after he was changed into the clothes jeno have him that hung off him, the shirt basically went down to his knees, the shorts fit a bit better but didn't show out from under the shirt making it look like he was just wearing a shirt the chinese boy thought jeno planned this. 

walking out the bathroom he fell two pairs of eyes looking him up and down intensely, the elder boy felt extremely small compared to the other two even though he was the eldest.

"you look so cute junnie come lie down in my bed jeno snores" jaemin said pulling renjun by the wrist to his bed, jeno sighed he knew jaemin would ask renjun to sleep in his bed.

renjun was just about to drift off to sleep when he felt a strong pair of arms wrap around his waist and pull him closer until he was flush against jaemins chest.

his breath hitched and he knew jaemin heard it because the younger boy snickered a little, he also knew the younger was smirking he could almost feel the smirk on jaemins face. 

eventually his breathing calmed down and he was able to slowly start to drift off into a peaceful sleep.


i've got a character list for my next book set up and in my drafts already but it's nowhere near ready to be posted

also it's another nct dream one but i could change that if you wanted it to be another ship between dream i'm open to suggestions if you want to comment some

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