The Train Ride

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Warning: this chapter contains sexual content, read at your own risk !!


Athena rushed down her spiral staircase to meet her family for their last dinner together. It was going to be her the last year at Hogwarts. Her parents were seated opposite ends of the dinner table, like always.

She quickly reached the bottom of the stairs, staring at the empty seat that was waiting for her at the table.

The chair screeched against the floor as Athena pulled it out. She felt her mother's cold stare on herself, quickly looking up and giving her a sorry smile as she patted down her long skirt as she sat down on the chair.

A flashback popped up in Athena's curious mind. She remembered her first year at Hogwarts. Athena was shy when she stepped into the castle. All the wonderful stories her parents told her about and she was finally here. Professor McGonagall announced her name and how she took a seat and felt the sorting hat be placed above her head.

"You belong in Slytherin, like all of the Heartstrings," the hat let out a yell as shivers streamed down her spine, she felt like she should not have been feeling upset, after all, she did belong in Slytherin just like her ancestors.

It brought her into thinking about where she would be if that day, she was not placed in Slytherin, would Draco still be interested in her? Would her parents still truly love her? would she even be a Heartstring placed in any other house other than Slytherin?

"Darling?" Mrs. Heartstring asked as she started snapping her fingers to try to get her daughter to come back to reality, "Are you alright?" she asked leaning back into her own chair.

"Oh, I am alright." Athena sighed looking back down at the plate of food in front of her as she rubbed her hands on her legs, excited for her last year of Hogwarts.

"Athena, I have something to discuss with you before you leave for Hogwarts tomorrow." She heard her father's voice, She looked in his direction to find herself paying full attention to him.

"When you arrive at Hogwarts," He coughed "The Dark Lord wishes for you to complete a Task for him." He let out dropping his fork and fisting his hands for support under his chin. "You need to finish this task with the help of the Malfoy's son, and get it done as soon as possible sweetheart." He finished taking a sip of his drink.

"What task may I ask?"Athena questioned playing with her fingers, looking for an answer.

"Malfoy will discuss it with you when you arrive, now off to bed, I don't want you to be late tomorrow darling."He finished taking another sip from his drink.

"of course father," Athen answered, getting up from her seat and making her way back to her bedroom.

She practically could not fall asleep the whole night, not without knowing what the task was about. It worried her knowing this task might hurt her or worse, her family. She made a reminder to ask Malfoy the second she saw him on the train.


"Do you have everything you need before you get on the train?" Athena's mother asked as Athena adjusted the bag on her shoulder, making sure she has everything that she needs.

Athena finally looked up after making sure she had everything she needed with her, "Yes I have everything mother, I will see you all soon." She let out as she gave them a wide smile, turning her heels around and making her way towards the train, excited to see her friends again.

After a few minutes of looking, She finally found the three Slytherins that she had been looking for, Pansy, Blaise, and Draco Malfoy.

She started walking towards them when she and pansy made eye contact, picking up her pace as pansy gave her a big smile while Blaise had turned around and looked at her, sending her a grin as she returned the favor, wondering if his features had changed over the summer, He definitely had gotten taller from when she last remembered she while getting closer to the trio.

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