The Private Dorms

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As the train arrived at Hogwarts Athena grabbed her belongings and rushed down to get to her dorm. She was exhausted. She passed Harry who greeted her, but Athena's parents had warned her that if they found out she was hanging out with him or his friends they would punish her. She made her way up the castle up to the Slytherin common room. She whispered "pureblood" and the door creaked open. Snape was there as he usually is.

"Mrs. Heartstring, you're quite early," he says.

"Yeah, I really need to use the restroom" she replied.

"If I may, I will escort you to your new room" Snape started walking up to the left side of the room where the girl dorms were located. As he walked up the stairs, he continued walking to the second flight of stairs.

"Wait, we passed the dorms!" Athena said in shock.

"Year 5 students get the privilege of getting a paid private dorm, your parents contacted the school a few weeks ago to make this decision, do I stand correct?" he remarked.

Athena was relieved. She longed for a room all to herself where she could spend alone time with herself and her owl. "Okay," she replied.

A portrait of a beautiful phoenix was hung on her door. Room 02 it read on top.

Snape began to whistle as the bird swung its wings upwards and the door opened.

"You must learn how to whistle to get into your dorm room, and toby will always clean your dorm and stay with you," Snape said. He whistled again so Athena could catch on to the melody with excitement.                                                

After a few moments when she entered her room, she was greeted with Toby, 

"Hello, master!" he said as he bowed down to Athena.

"Toby!" Athena said with excitement as she went closer and gave im a hug, happy that he was with her, helping her with everything.

"Toby, go explore the castle while I get settled.


After getting settled and taking a warm bath, Athena threw on her uniform and robe. She made her way down the stairs and many girls gasped and noticed that Athena had her own room.

Jealous of course because they weren't a bad bitch like her, they had to share dorms while she had her own, but what she did not know, was that they were lucky, that dorm was going to be the death of Athena......

"You're so lucky" greeted Pansy.

Athena waved and replied, "If you ever want, you can come up and spend time with me there! it can defiantly fit two people in there, stay with me if you'd like."

"How about us?" Asked astoria as she also got excited.

"no.......I said it can only fit two people......"Athena responded, folding her arms together.

Pansy made a sound in the back of her throat out of discomfort and nodded, the girls made their way down the Great Hall to watch the new year students get sorted into their houses.

After many claps and cheers, the feast commenced and everyone began eating. Athena sat at her usual spot in the corner, reading all alone. She grabbed some potato salad and began eating while flipping the pages with her left hand.

'After you are done, come to my room. It's right next to yours, ill see you soon she heard Draco's voice in her head and suddenly snapped her head up to see pansy and Astoria talking, she looked around and there were no signs of the blonde boy around, she quickly realized he had gotten into her head when he spoke to her.

She suddenly remembered that she had to ask him about the task, so had to visit him after dinner.


I brought toby back for big-time, but I'm changing the storyline and the plots of the book, don't take it seriously but soon it will get serious....

Thoughts on Astoria and Draco, Athena, and theo for revenge?

I want this to feel like those TikTok imagine series if you know what I mean,

LOL i love this goodbye, see you soon besties.

PS: for the people who said my smut was bad, I will find your family bloodline and make them read it out loud in front of you and then recreate it DONT TRY ME. 

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