Issue Conversation #2.2

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(As platinum-wings201 enters the Interview Room, Misty, Carly, Jack, and Crow has been waiting patiently for platinum-wings201 to come in.)

platinum-wings201: Sorry guys, I was...uh...just needed to be alone for a little while.

Misty: It's alright, platinum-wings201. We just giving you a little more time before the big talk.

Jack: Well, now your time of being alone is done. Now's the time to give up the secrets and everything.

platinum-wings201: (Gulps)

Carly: Jack, go easy on her. She's just new to this.

Jack: But we need to find Yusei, and she's the only one who knows where he is. And I will stand here till she talks. (Glares)

platinum-wings201: Yipe! (Went behind Misty)

Crow: (Sighs) Jack, the girls are right. You must go easy on her.

Jack: For what?

Crow: For one you are scaring her and two, you are giving her too much pressure.

Jack: Seriously? Me, scaring her. Don't be ridiculous.

???: Actually, you are Jack.

(Everyone turned and saw two children.)

Jack: Luna...

Crow: And Leo...

platinum-wings201: What are you two doing here?

Luna: Ancient Fairy Dragon told us to come here?

Leo: And be able to back up platinum-wings201, if needed.

platinum-wings201: (Thinks) Ancient Fairy... (Blushes mumbles) Um...thanks.

Jack: Great...but right now, it's not the time for you guys to get into this type of mess.

Luna: But...

???: Is that right, Jack?

platinum-wings201, Misty, Carly, Jack, and Crow: Huh?!

(Suddenly, a duel spirit dragon has appeared out of nowhere.)

platinum-wings201: (Slowly coming out from Misty's back) Ancient Fairy Dragon.

Ancient Fairy Dragon: (Purrs) Hello again, young one.

platinum-wings201: (Blushes)

Ancient Fairy Dragon: Jack, are you thinking negative thoughts since platinum-wings201 has arrived?

Jack: Yes.

Ancient Fairy Dragon: Why is that?

Jack: Because platinum-wings201 is going to be like everyone else that has messed up with our lives in the past. And I have believed that she is going to do it too.

Leo: (Turns to Crow) Crow?

Crow: (Sighs as he shrugs) Can't say that I can blame him though.

Ancient Fairy Dragon: (Nodded) True, but platinum-wings201 is different from the rest of those fan-fiction authors that have faced within the past.

Luna: How could you tell, Ancient Fairy Dragon?

Ancient Fairy Dragon: I've seen the ending, and I won't even tell you what it is yet. Or it will be spoiled within the ending.

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