Chapter 8: The Chase and the Encounter-Part 1

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platinum-wings201: Hey guys, sorry to break this. We are having to part of this chapter to break into two.

Jack: Great, what a joy.

Crow: But please don't let us sing this time.

platinum-wings201: So far no, so you don't have to worry about it.

Jack and Crow: (Sigh in relief)

Luna: But what is within this chapter platinum-wings201?

Leo: Yeah, we want to know all about it.

platinum-wings201: You guys must wait and see what lies within this chapter.

Misty: platinum-wings201 has a point.

Carly: (Nods)

platinum-wings201: (Turns to the viewers) Well everyone, hope that you enjoy this chapter.


As the gang is getting ready to have some lunch, Leo is keeping on drooling as food has been set on the cloth. Luna narrowed her eyes at her brother. "Keep it together Leo," Luna spoke.

Leo swallowed his drool, "Sorry, couldn't help myself." He nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

Luna sighed, "You're hopeless,"

Leo chuckled nervously,

"Well, everything is ready." Akiza spoke, "So help yourselves before it gets spoiled,"

"Right," Leo nodded as he grabbed some food and put them on his plate.

"Thank you Akiza," Luna replied.

"Many thanks," Rally smiled.

"Anytime," Akiza smiled brightly as she has sat down.

"Well, we better eat and pick up fast." Crow looks up to the cloudy sky, "'Cause...looks like it's gonna to rain tonight,"

"It looks that way," Jack spoke as he took a bit of his sandwich. Suddenly, he felt a cold breeze went up to his spin. He quickly turns around and looks up at the ruined building. Suddenly, it has got Crow's attention.

"What's up, Jack?" Crow asked,

"Nothing," Jack answered.

"If you say so," then he went back chowing down on his sandwich. Before they could finish eating, a strange sound has sounded within the wind.

Luna jumped, "Okay," she spoke. "Did you guys hear that?"

"Hear what Luna?" Leo asked, suddenly the strange sound appeared again.

"That!" Luna exclaimed,

Crow shrugged, "It's probably a bird," he spoke as the sound becomes louder.

"Bird in my butt alright," Jack nearly growled. "Bird flaps or flutters faster than we are hearing now, minus a hummingbird that is."

"Are you sure?" Rally asked as the sound is getting even louder.

"Oh, he's..." Crow was about to speak, suddenly, a fireball has blasted out of nowhere and landed right next to their picnic.

Everyone has jumped onto their feet in shock, they all look up and saw a creature that is flying out of nowhere.

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