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|Nora Grey|

"So what'll it be Nora?" Hank asked again.

I pressed my forehead to the glass partition. Mom was sleeping, blissfully unaware of anything. She didn't know what I had to go through just because she wanted to date Hank. All the events leading up to this moment flashed across my eyes. My jaw clenched in anger at everything. My dad's murder, the fallen angels, the Nephilim people, mom, Hank... Taking a deep breath, I strengthened my resolve. No more of this, I thought, enough is enough. 

My insides were shaking, but I managed to walk back to the chair where I was tied up before. Crossing one leg over the other, I leaned back and gave him a disinterested glance.

"Go ahead and kill us."

The atmosphere around us stilled. Though his face gave away nothing, I could see his eyes widening ever so slightly. I was almost sure he wouldn't, and I tried not to think of the possibility that he might. I desperately wanted Patch to be here, my only light in this darkness I had found myself into. Anyways, he wasn't here, and...and I didn't care now. I was just tired. I decided to say this to creature in front of me.

"I am tired Hank. Like, really tired. I am not interested in leading the army. I just wanted to have a normal life, but you have ruined my chance. So go ahead and kill me. I don't care. You can kill that woman there too." I said, with a casual wave to the glass barrier.

A few heartbeats passed between us. He glared at me silently, and I could hear the gears turn in his head as contemplated his next move. Whatever. I meant what I said. Minutes later, his eyes flashed and he opened his mouth to speak.

"Listen here you little..."he never got to finish his sentence as the door to the room crashed inward with a loud bang.

There, standing at the doorway was Patch. Ah, my love!

I briefly closed my eyes, letting up a silent prayer in happiness. 

Take your mom and get out angel, or do you want to kill him yourself? he asked.

I got up as he moved with an inhuman speed and had Hank in a headlock. I also saw that two another fallen angels were fighting the Nephilim people guarding mom. I quickly made a decision. Going past Patch and Hank to the door, I paused for a moment.

"Kill him yourself, I am done with everything," was all I said to Patch.

I shook the woman whom I had called my mom all these years, to wake her up. Slowly balancing her on one shoulder, we walked to the car to drive home. 

On the way home, we bumped into Marcie Millar, who for once, didn't badmouth me and just pleaded to take her home. And so I did. Finally, when we reached the farmhouse, I again did the shoulder balance thing and made mom to fall on her bed. Once upstairs, I immediately went to bed, too tired to even change my clothes. 

*           *

It was ten in the morning and I was back in my bed after eating some cereal. Vee had called, I had just spoken in an impersonal tone and answered her questions in the best manner I could. Scott had also called, informing that the Nephilim members had found Hank dead in his own home, and the reason was said to be a massive coronary. They all just couldn't believe that he, an immortal had died. The army is in chaos, he had said. It didn't matter to me. I was still a human being, and I didn't have to step in to lead them into war. 

As I lay there, contemplating in silence, I also noticed a change in myself. I had a purpose now. The first thing to do was to open a new bank account, then find a job. If mom disapproved, then moving out and finding a new apartment. Or I could move in with Patch. This thought brought a smile to my face. Speaking of which, I  hadn't seen him since last night. The best thing is to wait, I told myself. He'll come soon. I sighed. Since sleep evaded me, I might as well get up and work toward my purpose. 

Dinner passed on silently, I ate my mushroom pasta going through the classifieds section of the newspaper with a pen in my left hand. I had a new bank account now, all I needed was a job to fill it with money. Mom sat down opposite at the table, desperately trying to get my attention, but getting ignored.

"What are you doing?" she asked finally, pointing to the newspapers on the table.

"Finding jobs."

The spoon in her had was slammed to the table as she stood up.

"Nora Grey, it's perfectly unacceptable to juggle work and studies in high school. I will not, as your mother..."

I tossed the spoon on my empty plate and stood up too. "You lost the rights to call yourself as my mother the second you started dating Hank Millar."

Her eyes moistened. "Nora, he is...was..your father.."


Steadying myself on the table top, I leaned a little forward. "He may be my biological father, but my dad is Harrison Grey, the one who got murdered a few years ago."

Her lips quivered and she wiped her eyes.

"Now look," I said, having no sympathy for her. I was done with trying to always be the one complying with her wishes. 

"If you want me to stay here, you shouldn't bother with anything I do or wherever I go. Otherwise please tell me and I'll move out. I'll somehow manage by myself."

There was a moment of silence. When she looked at me, her eyes were glowing with some unnamed emotion. "Is it because of Patch?" Her voice had a hard edge, all of it directed towards his name.
Anger sliced through my veins, spitting out the answer from my lips.
"It wasn't until now. But now it is."

*          *

My bed squeaked with more weight and startled me awake. I knew who it was before I turned to face him. 


His obsidian eyes raked over my face, and a slow smile appeared. "Hey, angel."

I smiled, sitting up properly to check if he had any wounds and injuries. After satisfying myself, I dropped my head to kiss him. 

"If I get a welcome like this every time I see you.." he trailed off. I playfully slapped his arm and settled comfortably against his chest. 

"So, a coronary huh?"

"Yep, I had some help from the archangels though, otherwise he wouldn't remain dead. What about you? How was your day?" 

I proceeded to tell him everything, from my indifference to mom to me trying to find a job and also thinking that if I have to move, it'll be his place. 

"Well, about that moving in with me part, I like that idea."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. Tilting my head to gaze into the black depths of his eyes, I wished this moment would last for eternity. Not mine or his, but ours. 


So, how did you guys feel about this refined piece of my imagination? :)

Votes and comments are very much appreciated. 

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