Chapter 52 - Killer

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🚨🚨🚨WARNING: A lot of violence ahead!!!

I normally don't put up any trigger warnings on my stories, but I recently saw someone complain that one of my books is too brutal and the torture scenes are too... descriptive.

I appreciate the concern, but I put my books up as mature for a reason.


I still want to ask for my readers' opinion.

Would you like me to put up warnings before brutal scenes?

I was quite worried when my Cupcake and Lia kept whispering conspicuously at the bar, but after my girl asked Tank to see Gloria and Bernard, everything made sense. If there's anyone in this club that understands what Cupcake is going through, it's Lia. She survived sexual assault herself, so she knows exactly what my girl is feeling. Even though Bernard didn't rape my woman, she still has emotional scars from the time he molested her.

Of course, I don't want my Cupcake to push herself too hard. I know how brutal Lia can be and I'm not sure if I want my sweet girl to witness that. It could scar her even more, so I make sure to remind her to tell me if she's uncomfortable at any point.

"You really are full of surprises, I have to admit." Tank chuckles, drinking his beer. It was pure comedy to watch him spit it out in shock, and Lia shielding herself with the umbrella was even funnier. That girl is one of the strangest people I've ever met. I wonder what's going through her head most of the time; she's that unpredictable.

Just like now, as she casually climbs onto the back of the booth and goes to her man, instead of simply asking Tank to let her in.

"How come?" Cupcake asks, still snuggled into my chest as she sits on my thigh.

"I never expected you to ask to watch the execution."

"I... thought about it, but I wasn't sure until I talked to Lia." Cupcake smiles at her friend, who's too busy cuddling with Blake to even look our way.

"I swear to god you should be a psychologist." Tank chuckles at Lia, getting only a shrug in response.

"Or a doctor." I add, putting my hand on the brace on my leg. After Lia patched me up yesterday, my busted leg has been getting much better. It's quite surprising, since it's been only a day.

"Or a hitman, a bodyguard, a manager, a mechanic, a racer, or a fighter, oh wait, you're already a fighter." Blake grins widely, kissing his girl's head.

"You're so cheesy." Lia laughs.

"You know you love it."

"That I do." She smiles, giving Blake a kiss. They're so open with their relationship it's really cute. It's funny how much those two changed the club. There's never been this much laughter and fun in here before they showed up.

It takes almost an hour for all the guys to come out of their lairs and join us in the common room. Lia gets off Blake's lap and heads to the kitchen to aid Jinx with the cooking, most likely because she doesn't want to waste more time. She seemed awfully eager to go to the shed, much to my surprise. I've done my fair share of torturing and killing, but it's never been a... pleasure. It was more of a way to deal with my own issues. Bringing pain to others was like my revenge for the pain my brother went through.

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