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this is it guys, I actually have to ✨commit✨ to something for once... yay!


as y/n turns her back to her 15th foster family, she says a small prayer under her breath "please not another quirkless old couple.", y/n used her quirk, eyes in the back of the head, and watched as the young couple shed a tear for her departure. 

"never look back." said the foster parent. 'ironic, right', she thought as she grabs the light suitcase, thinking about the absence of things in it, y/n rarely got emotionally attached to any inanimate objects and even if she did she usually lost them. 

y/n used her telekinesis to levitate her bag off the ground and maneuvered it so to be placed in the back of the black car. she gave a short wave and jogged the rest of the way down to the small car, she opened the door with her quirk, telekinesis, and made a sigh of relief before looking at her new "parent". 'peculiar...' she thought, all of a sudden the door shut, "weird I didn't remember turning off my quirk."y/n said to none, in particular, she looked up and " shit!- "she exclaimed, she saw two glowing red eyes in the rearview mirror glaring at her. 

' what the actual fuck' y/n thought

the shaggy looking man started talking "l/n y/n, I am Shota Aizawa, I will be your legal guardian, you will not interrupt me when I am talking, you will not use any of you many quirks on me and you will not wake me up form my naps"

'huh, how did he know bout my quirk,' y/n thought 

he continued "you must be wondering how I know about your quirk, or should I say quirks," y/n snaps out of the silent confusion just long enough to say "no shit" under her breath "what did I say about interrupting me - I have adopted you for the sole reason that the principle of UA wants you to train at the school - I have no interest in children as I am just here to make sure you don't burn down another middle school before your entrance exam for UA, any questions," he paused a second and then continued ", no, I didn't think so"

y/n sat gaping at the wrapped-up man, trying to process what he had just said until she decided to use her quirk, memory influx, it gave her the ability to see into other peoples brains and see what they were thinking of or their memories, but she was blocked by some sort of exterior force

"what the fuc-"

she was cut off by the again glowing red eyes of y/n's new caregiver

"what did I say about using your quirk on me" whispered Aizawa, he looked at her from the rearview and glared, y/n was taken aback, form the extremely short time she had never taken him as being the loud type.

"ok, ok, I won't use my quirks on you,", she said "unless I have to," y/n said under her breath

y/n could see dadziwa in the rearview rolling his now black eyes, he started the car and they travelled in silence. they soon pulled up to a large modern house and dadziwa parked in the driveway and jumped out, not even stopping to helping her to get out, he strolled out to the front door and unlocked it, he made a subtle hand motion for her to follow him, and walked inside.

"well then," she said under her breath "this will be fun"


inside the house, the exterior was decorated in a minimalist style, the only thing that stands out was the abundance of cat trees, mainly facing the windows, that and the smell, she noticed, walking through the house, that all around her the smell of cat poop and kitty littter engulfed her

'he must be a cat guy' she thought manoeuvring her way up the stairs and onto the landing, what stopped her was the big yellow sleeping bag surrounded by cats, there were fury cats and hairless cats, kittens and adults, all purring around the sleeping bag.

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