Part 29 - Tickling, Tears and The Text...

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*Its the morning after Maxs and Georgias wedding!*

Laurens POV -

Omg, im engaged. Im engaged to Nathan Sykes, i just lay in bed trying to take in what had happened over the past few months, i still couldnt believe it. Inside, im fangirling so much its unreal! I was in my own daydream until i suddenly felt little kisses down my neck, i turned over to see Nathan lying their with a smug smile on his face "morning princess, did i wake you?" he whispered in his croaky morning voice. "Nope Nath i was already awake" i said back to him as i cuddled into his bare chest, he cuddled me back as he spoke "why didn't you wake me then?" I raised my eyebrow at him before speaking "Nathy Bear, your the crankiest person EVER if anyone wakes you up!" as i finished speaking i soon felt Nathans hands all over my body tickling me to death. "Nathan please stop! stop please! noooooooo!!" i said between laughs/breaths, he didn't listen and carried on tickling me and before i knew it i had tears streming down my cheeks, i pleaded to Nathan to stop and he did after about 20 minutes. When he finally stopped, we both climbed out of bed, got changed and headed downstairs hand in hand as we walked into the living room we saw that everyone was already awake. Everyone stared at me as they noticed how red my eyes were from all the crying i did when Nathan decided to tickle me, i told them all what happened and they just laughed. I snuggled up to Nathan on the sofa as i felt my phone vibrate, it was a text message from Louis (Tonys bestfriend) :

Lauren. What the fuck do you think your playing at?! putting Tony in prison, hes done nothing wrong you wanted all the beatings and abuse so dont lie about it and go and tell the police to let Tony go or i will find you. You wont see me but i will see you! if you try and hide and i cant find you, i will ALWAYS be able to find Nathan! Now be a good little slag and get your slutty self to the police station! - Louis x

I stared at my phone, reading the text over and over before just putting my phone face down on the coffee table and heading for the garden, not saying a word to anyone. I sat on the swing, lightly swinging myself back and forth, i closed my eyes trying to erase what Louis sent in that text but it wasnt working, everytime i closed my eyes i just saw him and Tony stood there ready to beat me up/abuse me. I slipped off the swing onto the grass as i pulled my knees to my chest and fluent tears came from my eyes and i cried into my knees. What am i gonna do? If i dont do what Louis says what will happen? What will happen if i obey Louis? Ohhh why is my life not simple? oh i know why, cause that would be boring!

Nathans POV - 

Wheres Lauren got to? She just put her phone down n the coffee table before she walked out not saying a word to anyone, im slightly worried now! I looked around the room at everyone and they just shrugged and Georgia pointed to her phone telling me to see what had happened, I hesitated as its her phone and she might think i dont trust her if im checking her phone but she was upset and i need to know why. I picked up the phone and instantly saw a text from some boy named Louis, i felt a lump in the back of my throat and i wanted to cry but i didnt want to jump to conclusions like last time so i said "Georgia...whos Louis?" Shock and anger suddenly took over Georgias face as she spoke "did you just say...LOUIS?!?! Louis is Tonys bestfriend, hes even worse than Tony, hes one of the reasons Tony abused Lauren..." She trailed off clenching her fists more and more, i realised Louis wasnt anyone good and my baby is still all mine, "Georgia if Louis did that then why is he texting my baby?!" I said getting slightly angry myself, Georgias eyes widened and i handed her the phone and she read the message which says:

Lauren. What the fuck do you think your playing at?! putting Tony in prison, hes done nothing wrong you wanted all the beatings and abuse so dont lie about it and go and tell the police to let Tony go or i will find you. You wont see me but i will see you! if you try and hide and i cant find you, i will ALWAYS be able to find Nathan! Now be a good little slag and get your slutty self to the police station! - Louis x

I looked at Georgia who was now about to explode with anger as Max tried to calm her down by kissing her neck over and over making her giggle before she said "wait a minute?! Where the fuck is dont think she went to the police station do you??" I instantly shook my head at her before saying "no no no she wouldnt do that would she? well we should all search the house first before going aroud the city. We all spilt up around the house, Seev, Jess, Jay and Rachel all searched upstairs, Me, Max and Georgia searched downstairs and Tom and Amber searched the garden. I cant believe this why would anyone want to hurt my baby girl omg angry isnt the word to describe the way i feel right now?!

 Toms POV -

Me and Amber headed into the garden hand in hand to search for Lauren, in our eyes it was pretty easy, the second we stepped into the garden, we saw Lauren sat on the grass by the swing. She was crying into her knees, me and Amber rushed back inside for Nathan to go and talk to her and as soon as we said we found her Nathan was at her side in a flash, pulling her into him. Lauren carried on crying into Nathans chest as me and Amber approached them, Nathan was talking to her, trying to calm her down "awww baby, its okay he wont hurt you! I wont let him, neither will any of us!" Nathan looked up at me and Amber, we gave him a supportive smile before he turned back to Lauren, she pulled away from Nathan slightly as she stuttered "but if i dont do as he says, he might hurt you Nathy Bear!!" Nathan wiped the tears from her face before tilting her chin so her eyes connected with his as he said "Lauren, i would die for you! You are my entire life, my world, my princess! I love you Lauren and we will fight through this together okayy, you are not alone on this!!" Before me and Amber could even speak Nath had his lips pressed against Laurens, kissing her passionately, when they pulled away Amber said "Lauren like Nath said you're not alone on this, everyones on your side and NO ONE will let you get hurt, no matter what happens!!" Lauren smiled at us both before giving us big hugs and we all walked back into the house to enjoy the rest of our day off before we have to start work again next week!

~~~Part 30 up soon :) im sorry if its bad but been really stuck for a story line, also not been well!~~~

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