"You know this is about you dont you?"

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Toxic ex-"friend"

When i think of you my heart is filled with so much hate,
Why did you use me as your bate.
You treated me wrong is so manny ways,
You kept hurting me for days and days.
Why would you treat any other human like that?
Make them feel like their worthless i never  felt so much dept.
You had your own troubles in your own brain,
But thats no exuse for how you treated me with so much pain.
You are so toxic and you dont even realise yourself.
All you care about is your own wealth.
I dealt with letting you go and i moved on,
I just hope you never make someone feel like that ever again.
No one deserves to be treated the way you treated me
I am just realy glad that you are out of my life and gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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