Day 8

701 14 47

And yes they are still at the hotel

3:43 AM

Hajibabe: @everyone who wanna go on a run with me to the nearest store to get orange juice because BYAKUYA APPARENTLY DIDNT BUY ANY

MyDeathWasPointlessButOk: Ibuki thinks we should change these nicknames

Mikan: Nurse Lesbean

Ibuki: Rock Lesbean

Peko: Murder Lesbean

Hiyoko: Tiny Lesbean

Mahiru: Tenko 2.0

Sonia: iwasagirlinthevillagedoingalright

Akane: thenibecameaprincessovernight

Chiaki: No

Hajime: Yes

Teruteru: DollarStoreMiu

Kazuichi: PinkKirishima

Fuyuhiko: Kazuichi's Play Toy Thingy

Nagito: Bagels Is mY only personality trait

Gundham: Furry just.... furry

Nekomaru: Hulk Smash

Fat Togami: TheSingleClown


Kazuichi's Play Toy Thingy: I fucking hate it here

PinkKirishima: Your user-

Kazuichi's Play Toy Thingy: Shut up and keep cuddling me

PinkKirishima: I'm literally right next to you why are we still here.

Kazuichi's Play Toy Thingy: Eh

PinkKirishima: Know what go get me some coke

Kazuichi's Play Toy Thingy: No your not my dAd

PinkKirishima: I'm not your dad but I'm your daddy

2 People has gone Offline

A Few Hours Later

(9:44 PM)

thenibecameaprincessovernight:  Byaku-Bitchhh

thenibecameaprincessovernight: BYAKUYAAAAA

thenibecameaprincessovernight: Did y'all fucking die

thenibecameaprincessovernight: @TheSingleClown

TheSingleClown: Yes Owari?

thenibecameaprincessovernight: Me and Sonia are hungry.

TheSingleClown: Teruteru should be cooking right now?

thenibecameaprincessovernight: Hes not even in the kitchennnn

TheSingleClown: @DollarStoreMiu

TheSingleClown: Uhhhhh

TheSingleClown: Ima check his room.

(5 Minutes Later)

TheSingleClown has added Kirumi Tojo the the chat

TheSingleClown: Kirumi I need your help with two things.

Kirumi Tojo: Yes?

TheSingleClown: Can you please head to teruteru's room and just clean it all in holy water and bleach. I don't wanna even SMELL cum in there.

Kirumi Tojo: I'll get on it? may I ask what happened?

TheSingleClown: Nekomaru and Teruteru were um-  getting busy.

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