Roger Davis- Drinks (c)

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"Isn't it sad to see a woman drinking alone?" A woman cackled amongst her friends, pointedly staring at you.

You were sat alone at the bar, waiting for a guy. He had arranged the date at this small bar that you'd never been to before, but he was a no show. You had waited well over an hour and given up hope. Your plan was to leave the bar once you finished your water, but you were struggling to drink it, feeling sick to the stomach over the fact that you didn't know what had stopped this guy from coming to your date. Were you that repulsive?

The sick feeling was certainly not assisted by the girls ordering their drinks and laughing at your expense.

"I'm sorry I'm late," a voice said behind you.

You turned around to see a guy slide onto the bar stool next to you. He wasn't your date and you'd only recognised him because a few minutes prior he'd been singing on stage, still with his guitar slung on his shoulder.

"It's okay," you said softly, playing along.

The girls instantly fell silent and scurried away with their drinks leaving you with the stranger at the bar.

"I'm Roger," he smiled, offering you his hand to shake.

You shook his hand. "Y/N."

"Sorry to be so forward. You looked rather uncomfortable, are you here with someone?" He asked.

"I was meant to be. But he doesn't look like he's going to turn up," you shrugged, trying to not let your pain show on your face.

You didn't like the guy you'd meant to be on a date with, you barely knew him, having been set up by your friend. It wasn't the fact that he'd abandoned you, but more you had been stood up itself.

"I'm sorry," Roger said softly.

"It's okay. He was a friend of a friend, barely knew him actually," you smiled softly. "Anyway. Enough about my non-existent love life, can I buy you a drink? As a thank you. Honestly groups of girls are like vultures sometimes."

He shook his head at your offer. "Not to be a stereotype, but doesn't the guy usually pay on a first date?"

"Oh..." you paused, shocked by his offer. You didn't know the guy, but he seemed far nicer than the person you were meant to be on a date with. "You pay for this round, and I'll get the next?" You offered.



Written by Charlotte.

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