Chapter 7

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(Sorry for the last late update.)

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“All’s well that ends well,” Jingyi said cheerfully. “I got us some Emperor’s Smile, who’s up for a drink?” The others laughed and they all left class together, chattering happily as they went off to drink wine. For now, it seemed that everything was going well.


It had been a week since Jin Ling met and spoke with his father. Since then, Wei Ying had seen Jin Ling talking with his father a lot. Even his shijie had started spending time with Jin Zixuan and Jin Ling. Wei Ying was happy seeing all these new changes. 

Today was the day every omega would have a special class. 

Right now, Wei Ying was sitting in Lan Qiren's lecture. Once this class ended, everyone would be free for the day except the omegas. Wei Ying had been listening to Lan Qiren talk for hours. He was utterly bored and couldn’t wait for the class end bell to ring so that he could find out what the omega special lecture was about.

Ever since they were told about a special lecture, he had been racking his brain, trying to remember what it was about, but it was to no avail. He couldn't remember at all. Wei Ying thought of asking Lan Zhan but he had a feeling that his husband didn't know about it. So he didn't do anything but wait for the day of the lecture to arrive. 

Soon, the bell rang. Everyone stood up and bowed to Lan Qiren. When Wei Ying, Nie Huaisang, and Jingyi stepped outside the class, they were stopped by the others. 

“What is it?” Wei Ying asked. Sizhui looked at him expectantly. "We were going to the town. We thought you would come together," he said.

Oh, Wei Ying thought.

“Sorry, but me, Huaisang and Jingyi can't come with you all,” Wei Ying said. “We have a class to attend." 

Jiang Cheng frowned in confusion. "I don't think we have any other class to attend."

“Indeed.” Sizhui agreed, looking just as puzzled.

"Ah, only omegas have this class. We will go with you all another time. We are going to be late." Jingyi explained. The omegas quickly said their goodbyes and left.

They arrived at class just as the bell rang again. All seated, the omegas waited for their teacher to come and start the class. The chattering of many disciples could be heard as a lot of them were curious about this so-called special class. 

After a while, the omega-teacher came. Everyone promptly did three bows. The omega-teacher nodded, satisfied.

“As everyone knows, this class is special. It is for omegas only. I will now explain what you will do in this class. This class is to prepare you all. It will teach you endurance, restrictions, and many more things. In simple words, this class is to prepare all the omegas for their wedding night.”

Every omega present in the room started coughing. A few blushed. Wei Ying smacked his head. Finally, he remembered what the class was about. It had happened in his last life too. But he had never told his mates about this particular class. He glanced at his son, noticing that he was staring at his feet, his cheeks as red as a tomato. 

Jingyi glared at his mother and mouthed, “Why didn't you tell me about this class?" Wei Ying whispered quietly so that only Jingyi could hear him. "Sorry. You know my memory sucks. Let’s talk about this later.”

Jingyi nodded his head and turned his attention back to the teacher. The teacher spoke again, looking around at all of them. “As this class is to prepare you, you were asked to bring extra robes, towels, etc. There are certain rules you need to follow in this class. Note it down."

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