what happened

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Let me explain..... When I was very little my parents took me to many different classes and even made me start primary school when I was 2! By the age of 10 I knew what most people would only know at 20 but no I'm not Matilda. I'm Jake Evans, 13 years old, a university graduate with a degree in technology. Anyway, one night when I was 11, I got back from work, I had a bath was given dinner from my parents and went to bed but the last thing I heard before I closed my eyes was goodbye Jake Evans, we still love you. And the next morning I woke up parentless. The only goodbye I had was a note:
stay safe we know you can cope.
Love mum and dad

It hit me hard. From having a loving family to not even being able to call my grandma. I cried all day unable to hide my emotions. Then I got a call.
Mr Evans, hello your house is up for sale you have 1 day to pack and leave or there will be a fine.
Beep* they had put the phone down. I swiftly ran around the house packing and collecting all my belongings and before midnight I no longer had a place to call home. The first night was tough. I lay on a small bench with a blanket thrown over me. But the next morning I refused to give up. I worked harder than ever. And did more research than I ever knew! After hours of research I finally found a place to buy. It was a moveable tiny house that someone had made and no longer needed. After some asking I was finally given ownership and a place to keep it. Finally! Warmth! I lay down on the mattress this was 10x better than a bench but I knew this meant I had to work for it and couldn't waste my money for anything. Soon I started researching and found a place accepting virtual workers. I quickly applied. And soon got a reply.
Sorry Mr Evans but we have no more jobs we will reserve one for you but can't guarantee a job for sooner than 18 months.
I replied to them:
Thanks for the offer! Can you please keep this spot reserved and be sure to let me know if it opens up?
Thanks again
Jake Evans
I couldn't believe it! I'd been accepted first try! Well sort of. I continued to work tirelessly at the tech store which was called teckies technology. I don't know it just made me laugh every time I saw it. For work all we had to wear was jeans a button shirt and a name badge. So for the next year I worked harder then I thought was ever possible and was able to afford all the necessities without fail. It was the same routine every day until today when I got accepted! I was so happy when I checked my laptop because it meant I could pursue my lifetime dream....... Roof jumping! That probably explains the start for you! Ever since I was 5 I've been going to parkour lessons. It started with the monkey bars then the spinning logs all the way up to long distance jumps it's like flying well that's what I think!

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