Day 2.

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Day 2: Your Dream Profession.

Well, I have changed my dream profession several times since I was old enough to read. At first it was a doctor, then it was a librarian (I went through a stage where I lived in the library.), next it was singer, and now it's an author. And I'm almost 100% positive this is what I'm meant to be doing for the rest of my life.

Writing on this website allowed me to post my stories, and get actual feedback on them. Before, with my poems, it was just my mom viewing them, and since she is my mother, I don't doubt her opinions were bias. But knowing that people, who don't even know me that well, believe I am a good writer, well, that makes me so happy. I remember this one time, someone messaged me and told me that they believed one day my writing would be published, and everyone would be reading it. And that I would someday be the best author in the world. I cannot even tell you how hard that made me bawl. From happiness of course. Writing is my escape, it makes me happy. Someday I hope to be winning awards for my books, and if that day does come, I'll be sure to thank all you readers out there (:

Along with being an author, as I said in my Day 1 entry, I hope to work for Make a Wish, for already explained reasons. 

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