Part four. "a minute in the apocalypse."

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A/n This part is where the gore begins. If you have a active imagination where you picture what you read and you are sensitive to gore, blood, and anything related, stop reading and find a new book.

"What's going on?" I heard Nate ask as I held out the binoculars to him. "I'm not sure.."

I was about to walk back to the table to sit down before I remembered the short girl clinging to my right arm like her life depended on it.

After tapping her arm softly she soon let go of my arm and walked closer to Nate before tapping his hand and holding out her own wordlessly asking to use the binoculars.

"I'm going to grab some more binoculars." John shouted to us before walking to the trail where we left our trucks.

I turned around and walked to the table. 'What the hell is going on?' I kept asking myself as I tried remembering if I did have any work associated with that building.

"Damn girl stop shaking me. What is it?" I heard Nate ask and glanced back to see him holding the binoculars again and suddenly freeze once he spotted something.

Once my curiosity grew enough I got up and walked to him while looking down at the city. The only things I could see from here were the tiny people and vehicles that filled roads.

"You don't have a weak stomach do you?" Nate asks as he looked at me like he just saw a monster. "No I don't." I responded before he held out the binoculars that I took cautiously and looked through.

"What the fuck?" It didn't take long till I spotted what he was mentioning and it wasn't pretty. The first thing I saw that made me realize how fucked this situation will be was a woman taking a big bite right out of a man's shoulder.

I couldn't hear anything but I could see that he was screaming in pain as he struggled against the biting woman's grip. She was mercilessly biting over and over pulling off piece after piece untill the man was laying on the ground lifelessly with a puddle of red under them.

I eventually stopped looking through the binoculars and turned around unable to face the city now that I know a little more.

I felt myself getting lost in thought until I felt a soft poke on my arm that made me jump a bit and turn quick to see Claire giving me a confused expression.

"I wouldn't recommend looking." I said and started walking back to the table that I saw Nate sitting at before Claire quickly pulled the binoculars from my hand and started looking around the city.

I didn't stop her but I didn't want to leave her to soak in the situation alone so I stood beside her.

Nate's pov.

"What's going on?" I heard John ask as he walked to me and sat across from me on the bench.

"Umm.." I started bouncing my leg as I sat and thought while John waited patiently for me to speak up. "Nobody is gonna want to admit this but.. I'm pretty sure.." I go quiet earning a "Well spit it out." From John as he grew impatient. I take a breath and begin explaining.

"I think we just survived the first minute of the apocalypse.." I know John didn't believe me when he grabbed one of the binoculars that he brought and ran to the cliff side.

I didn't bother following him especially sense I don't want to chance seeing another meal in progress.

Seth's pov.

After a few minutes everyone eventually returned to their spots on the bench and sat in silence while I twisted some nobs in a radio to find out if there was any information on what's happening.

"You think anyone else made it?" John says suddenly interrupting the silence between us. "Possibly?" I reply not knowing what to say. None of us could be sure. I mean of course some people from the city were also gone but what are the chances anyone is coming back?

"Kshhh.." The radio suddenly came to life with static that slowly faded as a voice was heard. " This is a broadcast from military personnel outside Cherrible city. Any civilians remaining inside or outside the city's stay Indoors and away from the city. Any contact with the airborne chemical is reported to give zombie related symptoms. This includes: violence, unstoppable hunger and other unrecognized symptoms.

Considering all the military chatter that was provided publicly before now, this sounded like it was made in a hurry.

Military personnel will be sent to pick up survivors whenever we have more information on the situation."

The radio began repeating the message so I turned it off and glanced at everyone as we remained quiet untill Claire began signing again and John spoke what she wanted to say. "How long do you guys think it will take for the military to move in?" At that question we look at each other and I'm the first to speak. "We can only hope they will show up soon."

I know that's not what anybody wanted to hear when Nate laid his arms on the table and his head on his arms while John got up and started pacing leaving me and Clair to just look around and think to ourselves.

It wasn't till a few minutes later that Nate finally spoke up. "What do we have in terms of supplies?"

There was a silent agreement between everyone to get everything that seemed important and we started bringing it back to camp making separate small piles on the picnic tables. One half of a table had my set of stuff and Clair had her set of stuff on the opposite side while Nate and John did the same with the other table.

"Alright let's make some sections for different types of supplies." He says as he grabs a long tarp from his pile and made sections using some sticks and starts pointing. "Let's have weapons, and tools here.." he says as he points at one section of the tarp then the other "fire starting/management here, and lights and batteries here... Food should stay on the tables yeah?" He looked at us after he stopped talking and noticed everyone's slightly surprised expression before speaking again. "Just humor me man, only leading experience I got is from Ark." After he said that he started separating his supplies before the wrest of us pushed back the surprise and got to work.

It took us about an hour to separate everything not including the couple minutes it took everyone to decide if Clair's hairspray should be used as hairspray or a flamethrower.. idea given by yours truly. We eventually settled on using it as a flame thrower in only necessary conditions. To me personally.. entertainment value is necessary enough but it can wait.

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