devil ' s entry 😈😈

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To be continued......

Riyz: no no i just said you're so beautiful 😅
Krups: thats better now let's go

They reached there
Principal(PRI): 80 students here is the new girl rits badiani
Avu POV:
ohh no
Rits came on the stage Everyone was staring at her (but nobody knows her real side she was a selfish girl she have almost betrayed 20 boys and have separated many lovers she was famous for her voice only)
Everyone used to attend her concerts Sid was staring at her Avu felt jealous so she holds sid's hand tightly Sid noticed it
Sid POV:
you have jealoused me a lot bcz of that boy now its my turn
PRI: welcome rits
Rits: thank you sir
PRI: as she is new ll assign some students to help her and those students are sid jai riyz avu krups reem and vishal Rits looked towards them and she saw that Avu and sid holding eachothers hand
Rits POV: ohh so lovers here it will be fun separating them Avu was angry so she left his hand and move towards vishal and reem and stands between them Vishal holds avu's hand Vish: avu what happened
Avu: nothing
Sid saw avu & vish holding hands Meanwhile rits came near to sid
Rits: hey handsome what's your name
(she puts her hand on his shoulder)
Sid POV:
wait and watch Avu
Sid: I'm siddharth u can call me sid or anything u love to call me BTW you're beautiful
(writer: maaro mujhe😂)
Rits smiles: my name is...
Sid: rits right
Rits: yeah thanks for remembering
(Avu felt Angry)
Avu: .......

To be continued 😂....
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