1: Promotion

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Hyunjin pov

I check my clothes and think about what I'll say one last time. After checking if my equipment works, I look at myself on the screen. I've been 'model' on the site STRAY for a year and a bit now, and quickly gained quite some attention. Even to such extend that I can easily live off camming now, I have regular visitors and now I'm at my second channel-milestone.

There's Channel-Milestones (CM for short) and video-levels. You gain CM's if you've gained a certain amount of views, followers or gifts, and upon getting CM's, you go up in rank and recommendation. 

Video levels are less complicated. The cam-model can create the levels themselves, and with that decide how much they ask for certain actions. When the viewers (known as 'stays') have gifted enough 'bars' it levels up, meaning for example taking off a piece of clothing, or moving onto the next phase.
 (Bar=STRAY's equivalent of actual money. The viewers buy bars, then give them to the cammers they want to support, where it is transferred to real money again.)

I look presentable. Let's gettit!

With my phone in my hand to check the comments I start the livestream. I sit down on my big bed with crossed legs, waiting for the viewers to join me. A few minutes later 400 people are watching. Since this live will be posted as a normal video too I'll just get started now. 

Both my hands are stretched out in front of me, and I excitedly wave at the camera. "Heyheyhey stays! How is your afternoon?" I smile widely upon seeing the first comments coming in, many fans greeting me, asking how I've been or telling about their day.

Despite what many people think, camming often also includes lots of bonding, just chatting with the viewers, helping eachother, entertaining in more ways than just sexual. 

I read some viewers' stories, commenting on some of them until one of them caught my eye. I softly scratch my neck while reading the message "Ah, @ Carnation-bloom, you found out your crush likes someone else? That's not at all fun! I'll try my best to cheer you up today~"

"But! They're not in a relationship yet, right?" The stay reacted very fast. 'No, but he likes someone else... Am sad...' I pout a little after reading it and look directly into the camera. "Don't give up yet! Just continue charming him. You've watched my videos before right? You're the one that commented you liked my shirt in episode 312."

The stay commented a (0-0) face and I smile a bit as I read their text out loud " 'You remembered me?!' Yes of course I remember you~ I thought I've explained this enough, you are all special to me." 

Someone gifts 20 bars, immediately raising the video to level one. "Ahh  @ STayrich , that was very fast! Oh my oh my... Now I technically CAN open my shirt already~" I giggle and watch the comment section get filled up with responses. Many "do it" and "Yes please" 's pass, and I bite my lip.

I've been doing this for over a year, but it still feels so special to know so many people are interested in me. "Woah.. You guys are quite greedy! We're not even 7 minutes in. How about we wait 10 more minutes~"

I get comfortable and read some more comments about how their day was. Someone asks about mine again, making me smile. "Ahh, my day has been very nice! I first slept until late -who of you watched last night?-, then did some shopping and cleaned my house a bit... and then I wanted to see you all again! Actually I've been very excited because-"

In the middle of my sentence I get distracted by people that just keep spam commenting on the opening shirt thing. I pout and furrow my eyebrows while looking at the spam messages. There's also some people offering to be my slave or maid to clean my house and serve me, but I most of the time don't answer those at all. (A/n, except for the name, these are real subs btw)

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