Chapter 11

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Coach: Boys bench girls on court we are gonna play volleyball team captains are Tate and Bryana Tate pick your first team mate

Tate: Christina

Bryana: Rebecca

Tate: Gabbie

Bryana: Jade

Tate: Lexi

Bryana: Mel

Tate: Rosaline

Bryana: Sonya

Tate: Nova

They pick the rest to their teams and gets in position~

Rosa:*goes to her and does me and Nova's handshake* Show them what you got


Bryana:*goes to the net* Your gonna wish you didn't mess with me

Nova: Oh we will see about that honey

Coach:*throws the ball up*

Nova:*hits the ball on the other side*

Rebecca: Mine *slides under the ball and hits it up*

Sonya: Mine *hits the ball on the other side*

Christina: Mine *hits the ball*

Rosa: Mine *hits the ball to the other side*

Bry: Mine *hits the ball over the other side towards Nova*

Nova:*hits it back over to the other side as a spike and one of the girls gets knocked down and the ball hits the floor*

Tate: Oh shit

Almost end of the class and Nova has gotten most of the points and now the two teams are a tie and the boys are cheering for Tate's team~

Nova:*speaks in Spanish to Rosa* Rosa, hagamos el pico de dúo (Rosa let's do the duo spike (I forgot whats the actual name of it is lol))

Rosa:*speaks in Spanish* Si

Mel:*hits the ball to the other side*

Nova and Rosaline jumps up and spikes the ball to the other side where Bryana is and the ball smashes her in the face~ 

Bry:*hits the ground* 

Nova: You were saying perra (bitch) 

Bry:*passes out* 

Rosa:*does me and Nova's handshake* 

All the boys mouths are open except Jose's and Carlos's and all the girls are stunned even the coach is shocked~ 

Christina: Holy...

Coach: Someone go get the nurse 

Jose:*walks off the bleachers with Carlos over to Nova and Rosa* Damn Nov and Rosa 

Carlos: Baby that was badass 

Rosa: It was Nova's idea

Nova: If I can't beat the shit out of her I will use PE 

Jose: Well that's smart

Nova: Thanks *takes the water bottle from Jose and drinks the water* 

Daniel:*walks to her* Wow that was impressive and cool 

Nova:*puts a piece of hair behind my ear* Thanks Daniel 

Carlos:*talks in Spanish* Uh oh definitivamente ella saldrá con él (Uh oh shes definitely gonna date him) 

Nova:*steps on Carlos's foot* 

Carlos: Ay, carajo NOVA (Ow fuck NOVA) *holds my foot*

Nova: Callate entonces (Shut up then)

Daniel:*looks between them* 

The boys looks at Daniel and Nova~

Corbyn:*walks over to them* Nova your amazing 

Nova: Oh thank you Corbyn

The boys walks over~

Zach: Shouldn't you be with Bryana *looks at Daniel* instead of trying to get Nova's pants 

Daniel: The fuck fuck you Zach *clenches my fists*

Zach: You know it's true 

Lexi: Zach! *stands in front of him* leave him alone

Nova:*stands in front of Daniel and puts my hands on his* look at me 

Daniel:*looks at her and calms down and unclenches my hands* 

Nova:*puts my hand on his chest and pushes him away from Zach* 

Jose: ¿Crees que es una buena idea? (Do you think that's a good idea) 

Nova: Qué (what)

Jose: ¿Sabes qué? No te hagas el tonto conmigo Nov (You know what don't play dumb with me Nov) 


Daniel: Nova im not trying to get in your pants 

Nova:*looks at him* I know 

Jose: Nov, sabes por qué no puedes pasar el rato con él bien (Nov you know why you can't hangout with him right) 

Nova: Por mi hermano (because of my brother) 

Jose: Y porque si él todavía está con esa perra loca, ella seguirá haciendo cosas malas contigo y tu lado malo se disparará y no queremos eso ahora, ¿verdad? (And because if he's still with that crazy bitch she's gonna keep doing mean shit to you and your bad side will trigger and we don't want that now do we) 

Nova: No, pero José. Quiero hacer amigos. No me importa lo que diga Carlos. No quiero quedarme con nuestro grupo y un novio. (No but Jose I want to make friends I don't care what Carlos says I don't wanna to just stick to our group and a boyfriend) 

Jose: Está bien, pero no dejes que esa chica te afecte, está bien (Ok fine but don't let that girl get to you ok) 

Nova: Acuerdo (Deal) 

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