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There is already some info in the description so I will not repeat that.  (I'm writing the info in 3 POV)

Name: (Y/n) (l/n) - your name, last name
Mothers name: (m/n)
Fathers name: (f/n)
Older sisters name: (s/n)

Hair color: (h/c)
Eye color: (e/c)
Skin color: (s/c)
Favorite color: (f/c)
School name: (s/n)

(Y/n) isn't shy she just doesn't like talking. She likes being around people if they are nice. She also likes singing, but not in front of people.
Everybody thinks she is carful and aware of her surroundings, but that's not true. She is a dare devil and would not hesitate to jump off a building (this will soon be explained).
She cusses a lot so be aware.

Her quirk will be explained further into the story (hehe sorry 😐).

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