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! chapter nineteen !

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! chapter nineteen !

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"I'M FREEZING," HAVEN COMPLAINED, rubbing her arms as her and Malory made their way to the Quidditch field. Gryffindor had just finished their tryouts, meaning it was Ravenclaw's turn. She wished their uniforms had a bit more thickness to them, after all, it was getting colder out by the day.

"Me too," Malory said, narrowly avoiding one of the last remaining Gryffindor's who had just left. Haven shot the unnamed boy a dirty look—he'd nearly crashed into them. He didn't even apologize.

They stepped onto the field, and Haven noticed the few familiar faces, as well as some new ones that looked relatively much younger. Probably second years, she assumed.

Roger sent the two a small acknowledging nod, and Haven shot a small smile back at him in return. They were still the only two girls on the team, not like Haven was surprised. "Alright, listen up," the captain demanded, and the chatter throughout the group fell silent as they began to pay attention. A wind gust suddenly blew, pushing her hair into her face, temporarily blinding her. Huffing in annoyance, she tucked it behind her ear. Her hair had gotten longer over the summer, but she didn't even bother cutting it. In fact, she liked the length.

"Just because you made the team last year, doesn't mean you're going to make it this year. Now, we have some newbies this year who are trying out for the same positions as you. I'm going to ask you not to go easy on them, alright?" Roger asked. "I need to see everyone's full potential."

"Got it," Jermey said. "Going for Chaser again this year, Potter?"

"Oh, but of course," she replied with a smug grin.

"Positions, everyone!" Roger ordered, and Haven climbed onto her broom, flying up to the goal. Jermey hovered on the opposite side of her, and Haven squinted across the field to see who they were up against. She didn't recognize either of the boys on the other end, and she didn't have time to ask anyone else because Roger suddenly blew the whistle. She quickly sprang into action, diving after one of the Quaffles. She saw Jermey did the same.

Haven managed to score twice along with Jermey's help. She had to admit, the two of them worked exceptionally well together. She'd always known that, of course. They'd both been the Chaser for three years in a row. Still, it was like they were on the same brainwave or something.

Haven's eyes followed after the Quaffle, and she leaned forward on her broom to go faster. One of the unnamed boys came into view, and she glanced over out of habit. Quickly reverting her focus back to the task, Haven's eyes darted back to the Quaffle. She attempted to reach out and grab it, before a strong force hit her from her side, and before she knew it, she'd already begun to fall off her broom.

When she landed on the ground, she couldn't breathe, all she could do was stare at the clouded sky from above her. Malory came to her aid almost immediately, and in the distance she could hear Roger blow the whistle again, before he crouched over her as well.

"Potter?" He asked. "Potter, can you hear me?"

"I'm not deaf," she mumbled her reply, allowing Malory to slowly pull her up so that she was sitting. The captain muttered something to Grant about getting her water, and the dark haired boy quickly ran off.

"That was a nasty fall," Roger stated. "If you'd been any higher you could've died."

"I'm okay," she reassured, her breathing returning back to normal. "Wind got knocked out of me, is all. I think I need a break, actually."

"Of course," Malory replied. "Anything. Roger, you better not let that evil boy onto our team. I mean, you saw that, right? He totally did that on purpose! He hasn't even come over to apologize."

Haven found the boy who she was talking about, he stood a few feet away with the other unnamed teenager, they both looked to be whispering to one another. Her eyes narrowed. "What a prick."

"Relax," Roger commanded, gently placing a hand onto her shoulder once she took a threatening stance. "They've already been disqualified. I'll have the nurse take a look at you."

"I'm fine," Haven repeated sharply, and he reeled back. "Sorry, I just, uh, I want to sleep." Reluctantly, Roger nodded, and allowed her to get up. "You guys can keep practicing or whatever. But if you give my position to anyone else, I will kick in your bloody kneecaps."

Roger let a small laugh escape. "Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Now, go get some rest."

Haven weakly made her way back into the school, ignoring her aching back. She glanced around the empty hallways, realizing how late it was. Classes must've been over already—she didn't even think about that. She'd been let out of Defense Against the Dark Arts early due to Quidditch. Haven turned a corner, before nearly colliding with a body. The two both leaped away from each other, and she relaxed once she realized who it was.

"Ginny," she breathed. "Nearly gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry," the redhead apologized quickly. "Hey, are you alright? You have that 'I-hate-everyone' look on your face."

Haven would've laughed at her description if she weren't in so much pain. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just got knocked off my broom is all."

"Do you want me to take you to the nurse?"

"No, thanks though," Haven forced out a smile, and pressed past her. Once she arrived at the Ravenclaw common room, she quickly made her way up the stairs before hopping onto her bed, groaning into one of her pillows. Despite everything else that had happened that day, Haven could only find herself thinking about a certain blonde boy, and she suddenly wished that he had been at her tryouts. For some reason, the fact that he wasn't made her upset. It wasn't like he literally said anything about it to her, and vise-versa. She had have gone mental, truly. There was no way Haven fancied Draco Malfoy. It was absolutely insane.

Carefully flipping onto her back so that she was looking at the dully painted white ceiling, Haven sighed, before drifting off into oblivion.

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sorry this chapter is a bit all over the place sjsjsj i was originally gonna have haven go to gryffindor tryouts but then i realized there wouldn't be any room for drama there so😏😏😏 you'll see what happens i guess

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