Chapter 2: The Road

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" So what's the plan? Where are we going exactly?" tae asked me excitedly " where every you wanna go tae, I was planing on goin to Busan." he gasped "bitch you really think ima go anywhere without you!" he stopped and sighed " I already told you, your my home, so where ever you go, I go." I gripped the wheel harder with every word he spoke. Don't get me wrong I love what he's saying and I love him with my heart, he's my best friend after all. I just don't know how were gonna afford a two bedroom home. Tae then proceeded to put his hand on my other hand that was sitting in my lap, " don't be so hard on yourself, I know we can do it. Its you and me against the world." he took his hand away and put the seat all the way back, "let me know when we are miles away from this pile of shit place, mhk." I chuckled "okay tae."

                                         *time skip 3 hours later*

"Taehyungie~" "taetae~" "taehyung" "KIM TAEHYUNG!!" Tae jumped out of his seat, after I jerked his seat upwards "what the fuck dude!" he yelled angrily "first of all, don't dude me, second of all, we're here" I clasped my hands together and slightly giggled "wait really!? we did it?" I shook my head up and down "we did it tae" I said softly. "Now come on we have an apartment to look for." I said happily "okay" he said just as happy. We got out of the car and started walking on the side walk. We started talking about happy things like, how we were finally out of our abusive homes. Just when we got quiet for a little bit, just long enough to enjoy the view of Busan, some guy with tattoos and piercings bumped into me. "Hey! Watch it jackass!" I yelled at him. The man was tall and very much intimidating, he got very close to me. I started visibly shrinking down before him, I started to look down only to have my chin yanked back up by the said man. "Where did that fire go? Not all tuff as you think huh?" I pulled my chin out of his grip and shoved him backwards. He looked me in the eye, he looked a little.. surprised? He then looked me up and down and bit his lip. "Damn never knew chicks would actually fight back" it was m turn to be surprised. H-he thinks I'm a g-girl!?! "Im not a chick I'm a guy check all the facts before you assume something so rude." He took a step back then looked at my crotch, I blushed to were I felt his gaze at. "Your a dude? No way a guy has such a feminine figure." he stated out the obvious, great. Just great. "ugh your so annoying" I turned away and started walking, he caught my wrist "wait, can I know your name at least?" I turned and looked him in the eye "not yet" I said and flicked his forehead, he let go of my arm, I smiled and left. 

Tae came out of the little apartment building holding up two keys, "You better love me." he smirked "Tae how did you?" "shush and go see the room I got us." he smiled at me and tossed me one of the keys at me, I caught the keys and ran into the building with tae running behind me. I held the key to the door after running up 3 sets of stairs. I put the key in the keyhole and turned it until I heard a click, I slowly opened the door and was hit with the sent of lavender. I looked around the room and it was absolutely beautiful.

 I looked around the room and it was absolutely beautiful

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I walked into the first bedroom I saw and was at loss of words

I walked into the first bedroom I saw and was at loss of words

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"And this is my room." Tae said leading me into the other bedroom.

"Tae?" he hummed in response "how did u get us an apartment like this?" he looked down at the floor and started playing with his fingers

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"Tae?" he hummed in response "how did u get us an apartment like this?" he looked down at the floor and started playing with his fingers. "I just asked" he said quietly "how though we don't have enough money for this." "I just did okay, let it go" he started walking out of the room, I caught him by his forearm. "Tae? What did you do?" I lifted up his head only to see tears falling from his face. I immediately got the hint of what he did, I held him close to me and pulled him onto the bed and cuddled him to sleep. Only when I heard soft breathing did I get myself out of his grip. I walked out of the apartment and out of the building and too the car to get out stuff. I tried caring all of our stuff to the building but kept dropping it. 'ughh!' I thought in frustration. "Hey, you need help?" I turned to see where the voice was coming from. It was him, the guy from this evening, 'he's still here?'. "Umm no I'm fine I think I got it." I reassured, I started walking again only to drop my bag. " Here." he ran up to me and picked up my bag as well as opened the building door "You really don't have to do that." I say as I walk through the door frame "Just shut up and be appreciative." he chuckled mockingly "Fine." I said annoyed.

We walked up the 3 flights of stairs until we reached our apparent door, I turned and looked at him "You can just set it down, ill get it later" he cocked his head to the side in confusion "No." he said sternly "You don't know this place like I do, ill help u put this stuff away." I looked back at him and just shrugged it off. I walked in the door and led him to the living room. "Nice place." "thanks.." I start walking to room and when I reach my room I realized that I forgot my bag. I turn around to be met with I broad chest, I jump back and stumble a bit and trip under my own feet. I brace myself for the fall.. but I don't feel the fall, instead I feel a arm wrap around my waist.

                                    "Are you okay?"

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