The CAT scan

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"Well that was a nice tour" T. bonnie said "dearest brother i need to go see Mr.foxy and his beautiful wife chica"

"Yeah you go i'll just stay here waiting" bonnie said sadly

"Bonnie whats wrong?" asked T. bonnie "its nothing i'll see you later" he answered in depression

T. bonnie's pov

"Look im sorry bonnie" i said "i just need to do a check up on dear chica" i said "i'll be back soon i promise"

"Brotherly promise?" he said i only remember The last time we did this is before we parted ways to have our Dreams come true "yes i brotherly promise" i said while pinkie swearing with him i then grabbed my supplies and my cat scan monitor and headed to The bedroom of mr. foxy and his wife chica i knocked on The door "that must be Toy bonnie" i heard foxy say he Opened The door "hello Mr.foxy" i said "hows my beautiful paitent doing?" i asked kindly "my lass is doing great!" said foxy in a very happy tone i then saw chica sitting on The bed having some nice warm tea she gulped a small amount then put The mug on a table near The bed "hi" she said as she waved "whats your name?" she asked me "oh i'd be Dr. toy bonnie im bonnies brother" she gasped "your bonnies brother?" she said in astonishment "why yes were twins" i responded

"So anyway i have some questions to ask you two do you mind if i ask?"

"No not at all" said chica "go right ahead matey" foxy said

"Ok first question how many weeks/months pregnant are you madam?" i asked "4 months" chica responded "wow you've done a great job!" i clapped my hands in excitement "thank you" chica said while blushing "anyway second question have you expirienced any problems with your pregnancy lately?" i asked "actually yes its hard for me to stand up because of The weight but im not blameing The baby or anything" she said in response "ok last question has there been any incedents lately?" i asked "well yes" this time foxy answered me "she got sick at a birthday party recently and puked on stage" he looked chica in The eyes crying and chica noticed "hey babe you dont need to cry im ok now" i heard chica say

Chica's pov

I was gently going through foxys hair to calm him down "yeah lass im calm now" he said in a sad tone i wiped away The tears streaming down his face he proceded to kiss my temple

"Well now that that problem is solved lets move on shall we!" T. bonnie said excitingly he Came over to me with a stethascope he had on his neck he put it on his ears to listen "ok madam breath in and out for me please" i did as he said first he was listening to my heart "very good ok" he moved down to my belly i lifted up my Shirt so he could exam The stethascope was cold but i wasnt complaining his eyes widend "oh i can hear The little ones heart beat in there" he said smiling at me and foxy "hear that babe a heart beat" i said while crying "yes lass" he said he proceded to kiss my fore head i knew pain suffering and sadness could bring us something

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