Meeting on the roof top.

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Hello! So i really love to write story's. And I've had this app for awhile but I've had massive writer's block 😅 but! I had this idea at around 5 am. I'm trying to add as much detail as I can! Also yes, this is a ShinKami fanfic.

I'm feel bad for this but it's going to have slow updates. I have a lot of school work at the moment and I always like to really think out the chapters before writing them down. But! I promise I won't forget about the story.

The main plot will be written and added on the most but if I haven't thought of anything I'll add in filler chapters. With those feel free to give me ideas! I'll try and look over them all if I get any.

Anyway! That's all for now. I really hope you like this story.

Third person POV

It had been a stressful and long week. But, finally it was the weekend and Kaminari was on his way up to the roof. He always found himself heading up there to cool off and just......think. It's not that special or fun but it's always nice to take a breather.

He walked through the school's hallway passing by students from different classes, waving hello to some or shooting them a small smile. He stopped walking once he got to the staircase that led up to the roof doors.

With a deep breath he pushed opened the heavy metal door and took a step into the stairwell. He could hear his shoes hitting against the concrete stairs as he walked up. The echo slowly started to get Quieter until he found himself in front another door. It was held opened a crack so it wouldn't lock. The lock had broke a couple years back and no one has tried to fix it so the teachers leave a tiny piece of wood in between the door and the frame.

A small smile growing on his face Kaminari pushed opened the door being careful to not close it completely and lock himself up there. He turned around from the door to face the city. It was Beautiful....

Denki nodded his head and walked towards the ledge of the building sitting far enough away so it would be safe. He then laid down on his back and closed his eyes taking in the fresh air of the city he lived in. Of course it wasn't the best smell in the world but it was good enough for him.

It was moments like these that people rarely see Kaminari having. He's presented as a loud and obnoxious boy, stupid and out going. One of the 'jokesters' if you will.
But in moments like these, when he's alone on the rooftop thinking About his friends and family, about school and the fun he has, about his problems and the stress from schoolwork. In these moments is when you can really get to know him.

Kaminari was lost in thought. The breeze of the spring wind flowing threw his hair and clothes. When the sound of a body sitting down next to him ran through his ears. He slowly turned his head from where he laid and opened his eyes to see Who was there.

A light shade of pink dusted across his cheeks when he saw the violet haired boy staring off at the city below them, His hair messy as always. He was wearing an old looking greyish blue sweater and a pair of jeans. He had probably changed out of his uniform before coming out here. Denki cleared his throat and sat up pulling his knees to his chest.

"What brings you up here my purple haired friend?" He asked tilting his head. This was the first time that he's seen anyone up here at the same time as him, and of course it had to be Shinsou.

Hitoshi sighed keeping his tired gaze on the building's and the people below.

"Got tired of the stuffy air in the dorms" he says taking a sip out of a tall mug, probably filled with coffee.

On the rooftop  ~S h i n K a m i~Where stories live. Discover now