Interview with BrightWarrior: The Writer of Don't Give In

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Name & Age: Timothy Robbins. I'm 19, close to 20. Feb. 6th is my b-day!

When did you start writing? I started writing at the age of 4.

How did you find Wattpad? I have no idea how I found Wattpad. I'm pretty sure I was just web surfing for writing sites & Wattpad was the best one out there, so I picked it.

Who is your favourite author? My favorite author is Caroline Coone (not sure if I’m spelling it right). She got me through school xD

What is your favourite book? So many books, but my 1st real fav. book was Silent to the Bone.

What is the first book you have ever read? I had books read to me, but the 1st one I really read myself was Little Bear OR my favorite childhood book that I re-read loads (that I still have next to me right now hahaha), Zack's Alligator by Shirley Mozelle.

Where do you get ideas for your stories? I get my story and poetry ideas from my life. Granted very few believe me, my life was more entertaining than an action movie. Not that it was good, but it was fun to watch I guess.

Do you like reading or writing? I prefer writing now. I use to love reading alot more, but high school kind of took my love for reading.

What's your favorite Wattpad story? I’m sorry,  I just have too many favorite Wattpad stories.  I can't pick just one Dx

Who's your favorite Wattpad writer and why? It’s not fair, but my favorite Watty member is my girlfriend because she made my account and she’s my gf xD sorry people :P

Out of all of your stories(if applicable) which one did you enjoy writing the most? Honestly the one I liked writing the most is one I'm working on right now a new bio.

Any hints on your upcoming work? The tails of shame. which I haven't shared yet. Well I guess that was a big hint on upcoming work Dx

Any tips for those who want to follow in your footsteps? MY FOOTSTEPS, have big feet <.< umm no I'm a great writer because I had a terrible life & I wouldn't suggest that lol....

Do you have anything you would like to say to your fans or anyone reading this? Hi people reading this O: ? Message me so we can be friends! And fans, thanks as this is my more professional account, where if a good book was bad I probably would have stopped it. But I love writing for people that enjoy reading it, and thanks for all the help with sharing my message of happiness :D

Are any of your characters based on real people? Some of my more sad stories are based off of events from my life, so yes granted I won’t share those on this account. I have written a few "wake up" message-type of poems/stories that were mostly just based on the problem, not one person. The subject.

What do you eat when you type(if you eat while typing)? I just finished some sloppy joes & Nacho cheese doritoes xD hahaha not my finest meal, but my last :P

Who's your inspiration? Again my inspiration was my terrible life & my friends that stood by me till they paid with their lives.

In the future, will you be looking into maybe getting your work published? If so, which story will it be and why that story in particular? I have no cares to publish my work. It is meant for whoever sees it & understands it. Those that don’t have no need to see it :D

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