my new house ( mi nueva casa)

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When I got on the floor I could smell lavender. It smelled amazingly good. Upon entering was the dining room. To the left was the kitchen, to the right two dimensions and in the middle there were five photo frames, a table with four chairs and the TV further to the back. It was small but it was nice, I do that to the pictures. And I stared at them. She was behind me.
_ Those are my family, my friends and my boyfriend in my beloved Seville.
_ You are Sevillian I asked him.
_ Yes because?
_ My father is also from there.
_ Do not tell me that you are Seville, I thought you were only Turkish and how you have come from so far.
_ No, my father is a Sevillian and a policeman. He lived there but his boss transferred him to Turkey. There in Turkey I met my mother, she is Turkish. They fell in love, but my father was already married. However, when he fell in love with my mother, he wanted to divorce the other. And the parents of the other, and my grandparents did not agree with that. They tried to separate them so my parents escaped to Smyrna and took me there. They got married there, but my father got addicted to alcohol, he doesn't stop drinking and hitting my mother. I need the money and ...
I was speechless as I could have told my life to a stranger. Tears began to fall on me. Without realizing it I was in his arms. We separated she went to smoke fromagain and I decided to go to sleep. He couldn't, he wouldn't stop spinning. And I decided to call my mother.
_ (Mom, I'm very calm) Anne çok sakinim
_ (Daughter, I have prayed a lot for you to be, my prayers have been answered.) Kızım, senin için çok dua ettim, dualarım cevaplandı
_ Mom, I have a good partner and the neighbors are all nice. Anne, iyi bir ortağım var ve komşular da iyi. I had to hide from him that I had a racist neighbor. He knew that if he told her the truth, he would worry. We both need that money urgently.
_ Mom, Dad has told you something about why I'm not here? Anne, babam neden burada olmadığım hakkında sana bir şey söyledi mi?
_ (yes, I told her that you are traveling with your friends) evet, ona arkadaşlarınla ​​seyahat ettiğini söyledim) _ (Mom, what are those noises) Anne, bu sesler neler
_ (They are the neighbors, I have to hang you daughter tomorrow we will talk again at the same time I love you my beautiful girl) Onlar komşular, seni asmak zorundayım kızım yarın yine konuşacağız aynı zamanda seni seviyorum güzel kızım)
She hung up, I knew inside me that my father had hit her again and that he was furious chasing her around the house. I wanted this torture to end. more importantly I heard Martina opening the door. I looked out and it was a woman had a very beautiful voice. And he had an Italian accent, I had a neighbor whose father was Italian. I saw how they kissed, then I understood that it was his girlfriend. So it is not clear to me, because even what she had just told me she had a boyfriend. I closed the door and got back into bed.
I woke up and headed to the kitchen.
there was a red-haired woman, white skin and brown eyes.

_ hello, are you farya?_ yes, I answered _ Delighted, my name is Aysel

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_ hello, are you farya?
_ yes, I answered _ Delighted, my name is Aysel.
_ Are you Turkish?
_ Yes because?
_ As I heard you, I heard you speak in Italian.
_ oh, if my mother is Italian and my father is Turkish but for work we had to leave Turkey I lived in Smyrna. You know how to speak Italian? Where are you from?
_ I am also from Smyrna, my neighbor was Italian and she taught me a little, I know the basics to defend myself and little else. And well you and Martina last night ...
_ You heard us, well if we are a couple. _ And the boy in the photo?
_ Good ...
_ Haber if I guess they were friends of a lifetime, they got boyfriends, they broke up badly and he realized that he liked girls.
_ Well it was not quite like that, she always knew it but her parents are very believers. She tried to love him but couldn't. And there was a moment he rebelled against his identity. Her parents did not accept her and well, little else I know.
_ Poor dear
_ Yes, don't tell Martina that I told you.
_ okey 👍.

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