Final Plan

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Hours Later

It was four in the morning. Marina was still up, sitting cross legged on the table by the monitors, keyboard in her lap, her eyes glued to the screens. The room was dark except for the screen lights, and her eyes were starting to hurt from staring at them for so long.

"Marina?" A voice said, walking up to the table. Marina looked away from the screen for the first time in hours to see Pearl walking up to her.

"Hey, Pearlie..."

"What are you still doing up?" Pearl asked, her voice obviously tired.

Marina sighed, looking back the screen. "I'm just... trying to understand."

"Understand what?"

"What exactly Tartar's plan is. Whatever it is, it's not good."

Pearl got in front of her, her face showing concern. "Marina... there are bags under your eyes. Come to bed."

"You're blocking the screen!" Marina suddenly yelled out.

Pearl was taken a bit by surprise, attempting to grab her hand. "Marina..."

Suddenly, in a rush of anger, she grabbed Pearl's hip and shoved her aside so she could see the screen again. Pearl stared at her in confusion for several seconds. "W... What the hell is your problem?"

Marina sighed, closing her eyes. "I'm sorry, it's just... I'm really stressed out."

"Marina, you've been acting weird ever since you got stabbed. I don't think it's just stress."

Marina refused to respond to this.

"...It's the sanitization, isn't it? That Marie gave you?"


Pearl sat down next to Marina so that their shoulders were touching. "Marina... You're working yourself too hard. Ever since you got stabbed, even though we got Off the Hook back together, I just feel like... you've become more introverted. And I just wanna make sure you still know you can tell me anything."

"Last time I told you my big secret you turned on me."

"And we worked it out, didn't we?" Pearl sighed. "It... it means the world to me that we are back together. It means the world to me that there's even one person out there who's willing to put up with my shit. I mean... I'm definitely like the least secure person here."

Marina turned back to her. "Oh, Pearlie..."

"And I just... I fucked things up between us. And now I need to make sure I am here for you the way that you were there for me. I see the way Callie and Marie care for each other, and... I really wanna have the same bond between us."

"Honestly, Pearlie... I'm also really really glad that we're back together and all, but... I don't deserve you."

"You don't deserve me!?" Pearl suddenly got offensive. "No no no. I don't deserve YOU! I mean... Look at you. You're beautiful, you're a total role model, especially for an Octoling, and you're unbelievably smart. And I'm just... a spoiled brat. And I don't teach you the way I should."

"I may look like a popstar on the outside, Pearlie, but on the inside, I'm just... scum. You told me that's what I am. Scum."

"Oh come on, you know I wasn't in the best mindset then." Pearl said. "We talked about this. We patched it up. And listen to me, if I'm a princess, then you are a queen. All the way. You have things going through your mind, sure, and I understand that because I get the same shit."

"Pearl, I tried to choke you. And then I slapped you."

"Well you know what? I heard what you said to Bridgett the other day. About every light needing a shadow. Do you not think that applies to you as well?"

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