I'll Look After You (1D fanfic) ALTERNATIVE ENDING

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This is an alternative ending to ILAY for everyone who found it too sad. The other one is the offical ending but this one works as well, so you could just skip from chapter 27 of the book to this is you wanted to, but please read the actual ending. I was asked to write a different ending by GrapesAreYummy1 so you can all thank her for this!! 

So yeah, really hope you enjoy this alternative ending. 

Chapter 28

Katie’s POV

*4 weeks later*

I was sat in my room, on my bed, scrolling through twitter trying to find some clues. You see, that boys have been really secretive recently so I guessed that something would be on twitter but so far there is nothing. Not a single teeny clue about anything. Nothing. Naa-daa. Ziltch. No-yeah, you get the picture.

A few of Zara’s tweets caught my eye. They weren’t about me, heck no, I hadn’t even been able to get hold of her to tell her that I’m dying. I miss her. Yeah she’s been ignoring me and called me a liar but I still miss her. She’s my best friend. We’re meant to share everything, yet she doesn’t know about this and she doesn’t know about me and Ethy.

Sighing, I closed the lid of my laptop and flopped back onto my messily made bed. I turned one to my side and brought my knees up to my chin, hoping the squash the pain from my stomach. I was sick quite a lot now, I had got used to it but it didn’t mean I has got used to the churning feeling in your guts. I closed my eyes and remember that I was just a normal girl. Just another normal girl slowly drifting away.

Zayn’s POV

 As much as I hate keep secrets from Katie, this secret was the most important secret I’ve ever needed to keep. She’s going to be so excited, I can’t wait to see the look on her face!

Niall’s POV

Katie thought that things couldn’t get better after Paris…well things are about to get real!! This concert is defiantly going to top it off for her, but shhh, it’s a secret.

Harry’s POV

The venue was perfect. The acts were amazing. The guests were brilliant. All we need now is Katie.

Liam’s POV

Our secret plan was coming together nicely. Thankfully none of the fans had spilled pictures onto to twitter. I think only a few saw us and were really understanding when we asked them not to publish the pictures until after tonight. I feel really bad for hiding secrets from Katie for so long, but it’s so going to be worth it for the look of her face.

Louis’ POV

I watched Katie sleeping momentarily. She looked so peaceful. Like any other teenage girl sleeping. I can’t bear to think what it’s going to be like without her. The idea had never even crossed my mind until the hospital visit. But now shocks were becoming facts. And we all have to face facts some time don’t we?

Katie’s POV

“Katie. Katie. Come on Katie, get up.” Lou shook me awake from my sleep. “Come on, we’re going out.” I groaned loudly, sinking further into my duvet.

“No. I wanna sleep Lou, I’m tried.” I groaned quietly.

“This isn’t an optional thing Katie.” Louis said, lifting me out of bed.

“But I look awful.” I complained.

“You look beautiful.” He corrected, tugging a hoodie over my head and placing a beanie over my hair. I’ve stopped going out without one now. My hair is no longer think and luscious, it’s thin and limp. I hate it. I hate my face, my pale, sunken face. My weak and thinning body. My lack of energy. My lack of hope. I just hate everything. I want it to be over. The sooner the better in my point of view.

Louis’ POV

I picked her up, placing her on my hip, and carried her out to the car. When we arrived at the hall I was so excited for her.

“We’re here.” I said in a sing-song voice, hardly able to contain my excitement.

“Louis, I just wanna go home. I’m tried.” She complained. I picked her up and began walking towards the entrance.

“Shh, you’ll love. I promise.”

“Love what?” She asked confused, resting her head against my shoulder.

“This.” I whispered, pushing the doors open.

Katie’s POV

It was magical. Like something I could only have ever imagined. It was like Christmas in October. Fake snow was everywhere. Fairy lights adorned the walls. Christmas trees were sparkling in the corner. It was October 25th and yet the room was decorated like it was December 25th. It was like someone has brought Christmas forward, just for me.

“Thank you so much Louis!” I squealed, hugging him tightly. “Thank you for everything.”

Louis’ POV

“Thank you for looking after me.” She whispered into my ear. “You kept your promise to mum.”

“I’ll always look after you Katie. You can count on that.”

Well I thought that was rather cute!! Hope you enjoyed this and the rest of the book. Thanks so much for everything :) 

Emily xxxx

I'll Look After You (1D fanfic) ALTERNATIVE ENDINGWhere stories live. Discover now