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(that's Nova boyfriend^)

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(that's Nova boyfriend^)


When my oldest told me she had a boyfriend I was ready to raise all hell but he looked like a civil man I wasn't happy that he had 2 full arms of tattoos and I asked him "sir what is your 16 about to turn 17 if I may ask?

I looked at Nai so fast and she said "did she tell you she is 15?" he replied "yes she did tell me she also told Meet she would turn 16 Friday."

I nodded my head "yes our baby is turning 16 Friday." I looked at my phone seeing It was thursday I whispered "shit" nova asked me "are u okay daddy?" I told her yes I'm find sweetheart.

Lisa Pov
Everyone was still trying to ask this boy question and everything I was just waiting on my baby to get home from his tour, the door opened and god answered my question because when that door opened pac came thru the door I grabbed heaven and we both ran to pac and hugged him after we did our hug we sat the table he looked up and said "who da hell is this nigga?"

I kicked him from under the table and gave him the look. Nova rolled her eyes and said "uncle pac this is my Boyfriend Rico...rico this is my uncle pac" they moved they head up like the knew each other .

I hated when they people did that like say hey damn. We all was talking laughing being a family and doing family things I said "well I have a concert to do tomorrow you are free to join nova as her date."

He said "thank you I will try to make it if I don't have football practice tomorrow."  Pac Shi and how asked the same question at the same time "what position you play?" He said "Line Backer & WR" I shook my head and grabbed heaven and we went upstairs.

I ran my baby a bath and I washed her up got her dressed in her night clothes and put her in her bed and walked out the room. I walked back downstairs seeing  the table clean and nobody downstairs so I guess  everyone was in they room I went back upstairs to hop in the shower.

I get out the shower to see pac knocked out on the bed I went knocked on everyone door to tell them goodnight I get to Nova room and I see her and Rico cuddled up knocked out I guess that food put them right to sleep

I get out the shower to see pac knocked out on the bed I went knocked on everyone door to tell them goodnight I get to Nova room and I see her and Rico cuddled up knocked out I guess that food put them right to sleep

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I looked at them and went out the room into my room still seeing pac sound asleep I joined him in bed and went sound asleep.
Morning time

Tiembra pov
It was time to be released from jail nobody has no idea that I was coming I called the person who said they was picking me up I waited and waited and they finally pulled up.

"Damn bitch took you long enough" I said unknown said "stfu u better be lucky I got yo stupid ass after that stunt"

We was on the way to the house that unknown was staying at and putting our plans together for this thing we are doing.

Unknown POV
As me and Tiembra was setting up the plans for this deal we made before she had left, we was talking she told me "she is having Mack's baby we need to get to Mack house first then meet everyone else" I nodded my head grabbed my things we need.

It was a god hours drive from our house to Mack's when we got to the address we saw that Nai and bow house that was the next target. We stayed in the car and see everyone from Bow wow & nai house walk out and walk to Mia and Mack's house.

We waited a few more minutes before making our moves family walked in and out getting gifts so I guess it was a baby shower..

We got out the car and went and knocked on the door Lisa opened the door she quickly shut it and ran to the back got Mia.

The door opened I said "Hello Mia" and tiembra followed "hello little sister long time no see". She shut the door and called everyone to the door except for the kids

We heard Mia say "imma open this door and  y'all  just look okay"
She opened the door again and me and Tiembra just waved...

They all just froze wide eyed

School started back so this book will be updated In a couple more months

Tiembra is out of jail

Who do you think is with tiembra

Shit is about to go down at the babyshower

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