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He let out a deep yawn as he rose from the stiff wooden wagon. The creaking of the wheels was long gone, and the sun had disappeared from the sky. He was encompassed by the orchestra of crickets singing. Slowly getting out of the wagon, his bare feet were cushioned by soft, damp, grass. It was as far as the eye could see in the vast field he found himself in. Beneath the soft moonlight, he saw a few trees and a figure of what seemed to be a person. The figure sat on the grass, its head tilted upwards.

There she is!

He slowly walked up to her left and sat down beside her. The grass was slightly dampened by the cool dew atop of each blade. The breeze blew softly, guiding the blades of grass to dance in unison. The silence overtook the whistling of the wind as he found himself at a loss for words. Her eyes were wide open towards the sky, reflecting the many shining lights above.

Until this instant, he failed to realize that the two of them were blanketed by the indescribable wonders of the glittery night sky. Almost naturally, he began to stare along with her, accompanied by the bright, comforting glow of the moon.

Her sleek, ink-black hair fluttered gently in the night breeze as she started to speak to him, her eyes still focused on the stars. "They're so pretty, aren't they?"

As she spoke those words, he finally was able to open his mouth after the long silence.

"Of course."

Hearing those few words, she smiled just enough for him to notice. The voices of the crickets still rang out across the field as the two marveled at the glittering skyscape before them.

"Did you know? Some of these stars could be gone by now."

Out of nowhere, she began to speak again. However, he stayed quiet, indirectly easing her to continue. Noticing this, her smile grew, as her voice began to have a spring in each word.

"I've read lots of books about the stars, and what's out there outside of our world. The light that comes from the stars has so much distance to travel, it could take millions of years to reach us. The stars we see at night could just be a memory of what they used to be."

Upon hearing this, he turned away from the glittered sky and looked at her instead. Her smile was gone, in its place a look of longing, of loneliness. Her eyes no longer showed the same excitement as she turned away from him. She kept her eyes at the sky, avoiding his glance.

"Still, they leave something behind at least. Even when they're gone, you can still admire what they were."

At these words, her expression softened as she turned around; A smile reopened on her face.

"Then, let's stay just a bit longer."

The two soon realized the sun was rising again. Time and time again, they would return to the same field as the nights returned. As the seasons changed, as the days turned to months and as the months to years, and as they aged together, not a night passed where they were not side by side, gazing at the glittered sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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