21. Uproar

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With the dramatic departure of Dax and his double, the hall erupted into chaos. Exclamations, questions and more than a few hysterical tears from some of the younger ladies, made it impossible for anyone to hear themselves think.

Lord Ronin, who had been standing stern-faced and arms-crossed at the back of the crowd during the ceremony, craned his neck to see whether anyone had come to Liviana's assistance. He growled under his breath. Liviana appeared to be supporting her attendant, Lady Mara, who, instead of helping her charge escape from the melee, seemed to be on the verge of fainting. He pushed forward, oblivious of those whom he elbowed aside in his haste.

Liviana was white-faced, struggling to support her cousin.

Despite the awkwardness of their previous encounter, Ronin didn't hesitate. "Here, let me help," he said, taking Lady Mara from her.

"Thank you, milord," murmured Liviana gratefully.

"Milady, let's get you out of here. There will be no wedding today."

Ronin beckoned to the two remaining guards, who had been trying to keep a clear space around Liviana.

"Lead the way to milady's private quarters," he ordered. "Her Counsellors can deal with the crowd."

"We had best go to the small Meeting Room, instead," countered Liviana. "Much as I would like to, I can't withdraw yet. There are too many questions to be answered, decisions to be made."

"Of course," agreed Ronin, reluctantly. He didn't like her pale colour. The violent interruption to her wedding must have come as a tremendous shock, however grateful she might feel later.

He was just wondering whether to call for further assistance, when he saw one of Liviana's maids approaching through the crowd, with a cloak over her arm and a determined expression on her face. At least someone was thinking clearly. She draped the cloak around her lady's shoulders and then took up a protective stance at her side.

Lady Mara was still shaky and Ronin swooped her up into his arms, ignoring a faint protest.

"Right, lead the way," Ronin repeated his order to the guards. "We'll be right behind you."

The journey to the meeting room seemed to take forever but eventually they escaped the crowd in the hall, Ronin feeling a rush of relief as he kicked the door shut behind his small party, blocking out the worst of the tumult. Hastily, he set Lady Mara on her feet and ushered her to the nearest chair.

He turned to find Liviana's maid approaching.

"If it please your Lordship, I'll call for someone to take Lady Mara up to her rooms. She doesn't look at all well."

"Thank you," agreed Ronin. "And perhaps someone could bring her ladyship a glass of wine?"

The maid nodded and disappeared through a door in the back of the room. Moments later, two maids entered to escort Lady Mara away and Telgarth himself, the chief steward, appeared with a tray. There was a carafe of wine for Liviana and a mug of ale for Ronin as well as a small bowl of nuts and dried fruit.

"Have something to eat, milady. It will help," suggested the steward, placing the tray on the table in front of her.

Ronin's face brightened when he saw the ale. "Thank you, Telgarth."

They had just taken their first sip, deferring the moment when they would have to talk about what had happened, when there was a perfunctory knock at the door. It opened almost immediately and Captain Pars strode into the room.

Ronin knew something was wrong as soon as he saw Pars' angry eyes and clenched jaw.

"They've escaped!" Pars almost spat the words. "All four of them. Gone into the tunnels under the castle. My men tried to follow but once you leave the castle proper it's as black as pitch down there. They lost their trail as soon as the torches went out." He shook his head. "Xandro and his friends must have been prepared, with supplies down in the tunnels. I've sent someone for more torches and we'll try again, but..." he grimaced with frustration, "they'll have a good head start on us by then."

Ronin put his ale down.

"All four of them, you say?"

"Yes, milord."

"But that makes no sense," frowned Ronin. "You think they were all in it together?"

Pars shrugged. "I have no idea, but you can be very sure I intend to find out!"

"I can't understand it at all," murmured Liviana. "Why go through such an elaborate charade if Dax never intended to follow through? What in Thera's name did he hope to achieve?"

"Well whatever the plan was, we shall make sure it doesn't succeed," stated Pars firmly. "By your leave, milady, but I had best depart. My men will be waiting."

"If I might make a suggestion?" offered Ronin, quickly. He looked toward Liviana, waiting for her permission. She nodded.

"Suggestions would be most welcome, my lord."

"Don't waste too much time attempting to follow them. Send someone to Skyber Hold instead. After all, that's where they will be heading."

"That's true enough!" exclaimed Pars. "They'll have to go back there eventually. Whatever else he's done, Lord Dale'l'Xandro won't abandon his birthright."

"If you could trust me with the task, I'll ride to Skyber Hold myself and await their arrival," continued Ronin, addressing Liviana. "I'll take Captain Pars and enough guards with me to bring both young men back here, and then we shall get to the bottom of this!"

Pars was nodding in agreement and Liviana didn't hesitate.

"I would appreciate that very much, Lord Ronin. I am certain my Counsellors will demand reparation." She caught her breath. "And I deserve an explanation at the very least!"

Ronin was fuming inside. None of this affair made any sense to him, but whatever was going on between the two young men, how dare they involve Liviana in their games? He realised his fists were clenched tight, short nails biting into his palms and forced himself to relax. He was duty bound to bring Dax and his double back alive, but they might just happen to suffer a few bruises along the way.

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