Girls Adventure (4)

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When they got back to Astoria's Villa, they saw a girl with medium-long turquoise hair lying on the sofa of Astoria's living room. Her messy bangs covered her closed eyes as she slept peacefully on the sofa.

Rose who was the first to go inside the villa saw the girl and thought *Such an exotic beauty, she is sleeping here defenseless and what a rare sight to see her sleeping like this.*

Rose giggled at her thought as she felt Astoria's presence behind her. They both walked towards the sleeping lady on the sofa.

They came to a halt beside the sleeping girl, Rose was about to touch her when the girl abruptly opened her eyes and grabbed ahold of Rose's hand.

Rose's hands were kept at her back with her face flat on the sofa and, the girl who had been sleeping a while ago was now standing beside her.

Astoria who is watching from the sidelines fake coughed when the commotion died down and said "Well, that was such a . . . nice greeting Joy Le Coqui. Are you that tired to sleep here in the living room?"

Joy let Rose go which earned a sigh of relief from Rose as Joy answered Astoria's question.

"Well. . . pretty much, you see, I met this unique guy who has outdone me in taekwondo and it pissed me off!" Joy said while she sat down and punched the pillow beside her.

They both raised their eyebrows simultaneously as their curiosity was piqued and, they both exchanged a knowing glance at each other.

"So, mind sharing-" As Rose started talking they heard a doorbell which came from the main gate.

Astoria quickly got up from her seat and headed straight towards the door to see who was the person that arrived.

It didn't take long for Astoria to come back with an exceptional lady who has long dark blue hair, eccentric eyes, and a huge suitcase that she is pulling as the lady follows behind Astoria.

"Well, I guess we are all acquaintances here since I recognized all of your faces," Rose said as she smiled at the ladies before her.

"That is indeed the case here, so shall we introduce ourselves once again and officially start as friends." After Astoria said that she sat down on the sofa chair beside Joy as she gestured to the lady who was following her to sit down opposite her.

Astoria, Joy, and the lady are on the sofa chair with Joy and Astoria sitting beside each other while Rose sits on the couch which Joy was seen sleeping on a while ago.

"Then let me start this introduction, My name is Astoria Cabello de Zelra, 21 years old, and the villa that you'll be staying in is under my name, so I hope for all of your rooms to be clean even though we have maids in the villa."

"That's all and please don't enter my room without my permission. So, is there particular information about me that you ladies want to know?" Astoria said as she looked at them and Rose automatically raised her hands.

"Is it possible to know when is your birthday? And your hobbies and likes and dislikes, so that we can live well here in your villa." Rose said.

"Oh, and one more thing, please stop talking so formally with each other, to begin with, we are all the same age I guess," Rose said while looking at the two ladies before looking directly at Astoria.

"Hmmm, my birthday is May 08, 2002. I like my hair, my books, and my academic grades. I'm a volleyball player and I play as a setter."

"I like studying and keeping my things as tidy as possible. In terms of dislikes, I dislike lazy people the most, and very stubborn people."

Astoria said but then she added a statement in an irritated tone "And guys who flaunt their wealth."

Rose looked at Astoria with an amused face after she said that. Rose thought *Knowing her, she is not easily agitated, I guess that 'guy' really pissed her off, I wonder who he is?*.

"Well moving on, I'm Rose Centra Von Cenicienta, currently 20 years old but I'll turn 21 this year since my birthday is September 17, 2002. I'm an only child. I'm a volleyball player, a wing spiker, like Astoria. I love to try new things and new adventures and I also like collecting unique and different items from around the world. I don't have a boyfriend since I want my first one to be the last and I dislike dramatic, stubborn, and selfish people. I also hate guys who are over-self-confident in themselves and guys who have too much pride." Rose said that in one breath.

Rose smiled at them after she caught her breath and said "So, anything you want to ask girls?"

The girls were dumbfounded at how fast she talked, but even if she talked fast they still understood her and rapidly shook their heads to tell her that they received enough information about her.

Astoria fakes a cough to signal Lingling to start introducing herself.

"Hi again girls, I'm Lingling Luna Del Hierro, 21 years old, and my birthday is June 8, 2002," Lingling said but paused as she looked at them confused.

"Yes, my birthday was the day before yesterday," Lingling said as she smiled at them after realizing why their shocked.

"Belated Happy Birthday Ling!" They all said in unison and hugged her.

"To continue, I'm a fencer, an academic achiever like Astoria, I'm also a volleyball player like the both of you, I'm an opposite spiker to be exact."

"I would love to follow in my parent's footsteps, I dream of being a bass guitarist in a band someday. I dislike untidy and stubborn people." Lingling said and then she coldly added "I also hate people who think they can control everything with money!".

"Keeping your grudges aside, I'm Joy Le Coqui, 20 years old, my birthday is August 01, 2002. I'm -" Before she could continue she was cut off by Rose.

Rose said, "So, I'm the youngest here? What is the meaning of this?". While saying that she is about to cry they all say " Our birthday is just a number, you are very mature, right?".

Rose looked at them smiled and said "Of course, then Joy please continue."

Joy nodded and said, "As I was saying, I'm a taekwondo a black better to be exact and like you guys I'm also a volleyball player, I'm a libero."

"I'm a night person, I suck at academics but am a good athlete. I love nature the most, and I love animals too."

"I don't like feeling helpless, especially in front of guys who stole something precious from me. It pissed me off when I think of that guy, I hate him!" Joy said angrily as cracked her knuckles and thought *I want revenge on that guy!*.

The girls noticed her sudden change of aura and thought *She is pissed on that guy!*. Astoria faked a cough once again as she pulled all three girls back to reality.

"Set your anger aside ladies! Have you met the four Young Masters, because I met one on the way here at my villa!" Astoria said.

"Well, yes!" The three ladies said in unison.

To Be Continued. . .

Signing off

🍸 1238 WORDS 🌹

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