Astoria's Adventure (5)

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Before Rose, Joy and Lingling went to Astoria's villa. Astoria after all had a little adventure of her own.

"I'm sure, mother told me that the villa in my name is here!" Astoria murmured as she walked.

"Where in the world am I gonna find a street number? I only see house numbers here!" Astoria grumbled as she let out a frustrated sighed.

Astoria walked for 10 minutes as she tried to find her own villa, but then she got tired, and she just looked for her house number.

As minutes passed, she saw a boy around the same age as hers and she decided to ask the boy passing by as she grabbed a hold of his hand.

"Ummm, excuse me, may i ask where I can find the street numbers?" Astoria said while letting go of his hands.

"It says here, street number 8. you just need to cross the road and move ahead then you're there. Regarding the street numbers, you can find it at a tall post and its usually in the middle of the whole street but it's a different case on numbers like six, seven, eight, and nine street numbers can be found at a tall post and serve as a boundary for this three street." The guy explained rather enthusiastically to her.

This action bewildered Astoria as she smile and said "Ohhh, thank you!"

The guy smiled brightly at her "Ohhh, it's no problem, you can find me on street five if you have further questions."

Astoria forced a smile at the guy "Then excuse me." And she ran immediately as goosebumps struck her senses.

She immediately found her house number, but she is unsure if this is really her street number. *I know that we're reach and all but why do I have this weird feeling telling me not to enter this? But this house is mine so why am I nervous as hell.*

She shook her head to shake of the thought and nervous feeling she have and opened the gate. This made a creaking sound like in the movies and what scared her the most is that there is almost no workers in sight. *Relax Astoria, this is your own house. It's normal to not have any workers since you'll be living here on your own.*

With that thought in mind, she head towards the villa and smiled as she admired the landscape while walking towards the front door. There are beautiful kinds of flowers, the two tree is carefully trimmed as she walked pass them and the stone pathway she is stepping on is well cleaned.

When she reached the front door, she admired the carvings of it but the carve on the door brings a sense of a strong familiarity to her. She shook of any thoughts about it and went inside.

As she went inside, she was beyond shocked, there are shining marble floor, an enormous crystal chandelier hangs above her head, clean staircase with a transparent banister and what made her shocked the most is the indoor pool found when you turned right from the living room. This made her want to go for a swim which she immediately did. She run towards the indoor pool and stripped of her clothing leaving her luggage at the front door.

Few minutes has passed and she admired the clear water and clean pool *Grandma really outdid herself by taking care of my villa, I mean everywhere i went it's clean as this water.*

Her thoughts came into a halt when she heard the door clicking once more, she immediately stand up and saw a guy carrying luggage upstairs. Her eyebrow arc but when the guy is no longer in sight, she took this opportunity to get dressed but since she's wet, her dried clothes lightly stuck to her.

She went out and head towards the kitchen and in there, she drank some water as thoughts run into her head *Who is that guy? A trespasser? Is he going to commit a crime? Robbery? Murder?*

She paused her thoughts when she felt the presence of someone watching her from the entrance of the kitchen. She slowly tuned around and her mind stopped working as she saw the most handsome man she have ever seen. Golden locks covering his right eye, pursed thin lips, and striking blue eyes watching her every move.

As they stared at each other for awhile the guy fake a coughed as he looked away from her "Mind drying your body first Miss."

With his statement Astoria looked away and blushed as she tried to hide her body. But what she did made the guy smirked.

He approach her like that of a predator about to pounce on his prey "You are such a... You came in here to make this kind of move. Hah! Stalkers this day is seriously such a hassle! If you really want money, why not just work for it and not seduce young people who are rich. You're so bold Miss Stalker."

After his statement, he was now standing in front of her the disgust in his eyes is now diminishing at all. This action and what he said made Astoria boil in anger "How dare you question me? Me a stalker? Excuse me if I'm not mistaken you're the stalker here. And how can you just guess that I'm your stalker. You may have a good face but you're attitude suck as hell."

With that said Astoria slapped him in the face, ran upstairs but before that grabbed the nearest kitchen tool she could get. Her action stunned the guy and his eyes which were brimming with disgust turned into anger in an instant and ran after Astoria.

Astoria who was upstairs was thankful since there is only one room *And here I thought I found someone who might become my future husband, but his attitude is such a turn-off. Wait a minute, why is he so familiar?*

When she enter the room, a family portrait enters her field of vision. Even though the boy in the picture is younger, she can tell that it's the guy moments ago. But what shock her the most is the family crest at the center top of the portrait itself *Hah! No wonder he thought I'm one of his stalker. With a background like this I guess his accusations are understandable. But, wait a minute, if this is his own villa then that means-*

She snapped at her thoughts when she heard the doorknob being twisted continuously. She looked around everywhere and saw the kitchen tool she bought with her at the table. *Okay, beautiful pan, do your magic and grant me a Rapunzel like swing.* With that she hid behind the door to surprise him for an attack. *I don't want to face his wrath so please forgive me for what I'm going to do*

Shawn who realized that the door is lock, fetched the key on his pocket and unlocked it. He went inside but saw no one when he was about to turn back his head came into contact with a hard and flat surface.

The impact was not that strong but it cause him to faint and fell to the ground with a thud. This shock Astoria *Ohhh god, did I kill him? but I didn't even hit him that hard so his alive, right? Maybe I should check if he's still breathing.*

She knelt down beside him then use her hand to check if he's still alive and to Astoria's delight he is breathing. "Your the most handsome man I met, Shawn but you have such a trashy personality. Like that old saying right A first before B, means attitude before beauty. So, goodbye my first crush." With that said she left the villa in a hurry, without looking back.

This time Astoria made sure to know the exact number of streets and know that it's three, since the structure of the number eight and three are pretty similar compared to the other numbers. When she saw that state of her villa, it was close to a haunted house and she mumbled to herself "Well, guess that house is too good to be my own, huh. Ohhh, this is better than living with someone who has a rotten personality."

Meanwhile, Shawn awakened with a throbbing sensation at the back of his head. His eyes confused as to what happened but then remembered the woman who assaulted him twice. His confused blue eyes turned into a raging blue ones and flashed a dangerous glint in them as he thought of the woman. "That damn tigress of a woman really tested my patience. Dare to assault me twice, just wait until I found who and where you're at, I'll make your life worst than it is!"

With his statement, Astoria who was sweeping her front doors sneezed as a shiver run down her spine *I got a bad feeling about this.*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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