Chapter 3

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Operation: Try not to catch attention

People where confused.

Who was the girl? Someone who's good at fighting yet they've never really heard of? They can't even take a good look on her face since she has a surgical mask covering her face. All they know that she's from the Music department.

But there's at least 20 classes in Music department and it's too many for a one person man hunt!

Yua's POV


I fucked up

Shit shit shit shit!

I wasn't supposed to gather attention! Panic swallowed my system, bad thoughts circled my mind as I unconsciously scratched my thighs.

"Y-yua!"a small squeak forced me out of my panicked state.

Head snapping to the left, there stood a short petite male. Harold Wang, the pretty boy of class 12, also my friend. "Y-you need to stop scratching yourself everytime you feel threatened"he softly murmured, soft hands grasping my calloused ones.

"Can't help it" It might put Angel on danger was left unsaid yet can be heard loud and clear by Harold. "It's b-been years y-you know. Threats o-outside the r-red district is probably nothing t-to you"he tried to assure.

But the lingering feeling of danger never left me. That simple mistake will lead me to a damn fight, and a fight will never end with just one. Once you got into a fight, it would be a whole line of dominoes of consequences. I was pretty pissed at myself, 3 months in and I have already blown my cover.

"Worst case scenario, I'd have to move cities with Angel."I growled, earning a worried look from Harold.

"B-but-"I cut him off, "Worst case scenario"I quoted, receiving a hesitant nod from the pretty boy.

My eyes lingered at him, worry still evident on his baby face. Clicking my tongue in annoyance, I reached out my hand towards his tousled brown hair, ruffling the already messy hair.

"Relax Harold, it's not like I'd get into a fight immediately. One or two fights isn't that bad-"

"But it's in your nature to fight back when felt threatened......."he whispered

"C'mon, I won't go down that easily!"Eyes crinkling close, cheeks slightly raised letting him know I was smiling behind my mask.

3rd POV

Half of the day passed peacefully, but Yua was trying her best to go under the radar. During lunch, she can feel those damn vulture eyes of the students looking for the unknown fighter. Harold luckily diverted their attention by hoarding his fangirls with a pretty smile. Once Harold gave her a signal, she quickly ordered her food and snuck outside the cafeteria and walked towards the gym shed to eat.

Harold came a few minutes later, slightly disheveled. "You look like you've been harassed"the female teased, earning a glare from the short boy.

"Your glare looks so soft"the female mocked earning a cute scowl from the male.

"S-shut up! After saving y-you, you dare t-to do this!" Harold mockingly gasped, dramatically clutching his chest as he gasped for air, choking and wheezing against the gym shed wall.

This earned a laugh from the girl, eyes crinkling with joy as her laughter echoed in the shed. "Oh why yes Dearest Harold. It was easy to trick you"she mocked back earning a soft giggle from him.

Harold sneakily picked up a cluster of kimchi from his lunch box, wooden chopsticks now raised on the air, he pulled her mask down and shoved it onto her mouth.

Lunch ended with Yua massaging her poor throat with Harold having a few scratches on his body.

The duo came back to the room, a little late. Earning raised eyebrows from their classmates.

"You idiot, who told you that you can just shove it down my throat!"

"Well at least I didn't scratched!"

"What the hell did you expect me to do? Scream your name?!"

"But did you really had to give me scratches?"

"Why, you want bruises?"

The duo was still arguing, but never noticed the red faces of others. One looked like he was ready to pass out, a few where snickering at such a vulgar conversation. But everyone had the same thoughts on their mind.

'Oh god'

Oh god indeed

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