I Knew You were Trouble

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 He watched her. Regretting the things he said and did to her. Regretting being him. He was a player but he played too long. The game wasn't fun. It was too late when he realized it never was.

Beep. Beep. Beep.BEEP. I hit snooze on my alarm clock then thought better of it and pulled the clock out of the outlet. Some say I'm not a morning person. Ridiculous. I, Skye Jasc, NOT a morning person? Hmph.

Sadly, I did have to get out of bed. I had some unfinished buisness. Meaning homework I needed to finish at last minute.

As I got out my bag, I realized there was a paper stuck to my binder. After squinting at it, I grabbed my glasses and saw more clearly. My little brother Mike had colored a picture of him and I, with his favorite stuffed animal, Bub the Giraffe. I smiled, as I taped it to my ever growing collection of Mike's drawings.

After I got ready, I hit the books. A few broken pencils and 2 papercuts later and I finished writing my book report. 

Which means I had just enough time to go to Starbucks for some breakfast. Didn't know that's what caused all this. Never thought a frappicuino would cause such a mess.

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