Dear Michael, I Can't Help It: the Forever, Michael & Off The Wall Era

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(Brooke pov)I was on set running my lines for a new movie, "How what a lovely Teddy, Pretty baby?" when my dad came in my way, having me to stop what I was doing

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(Brooke pov)
I was on set running my lines for a new movie, "How what a lovely Teddy, Pretty baby?" when my dad came in my way, having me to stop what I was doing.


"Yes, Daddy?"

"Stop with whatever it is you're doing."

"But da-"

"Now, now, brooks, What I did say about talking back."

"If someone's speaking, then there's no peeking, cause that leads to no chilling for ya at all so daddy will have a huge fit and better close your lips." She rhymed as she did what she was told.

"That's right. Now, I got good news that I'm sure you're wouldn't really care too much about this."

"Okay, How good is the news?"

"Ah really good that'll make you feel like you're floating in space! Honey, I gotta call from the producer of the show and we're heading to Soul Train!"

"So whatcha think?"

"What did I think? I'm saying, 'Oh my gosh, wow?' Who is there and h—how did that happen?"

"Well, Little missy...a certain popular group is coming to be there."


"Sorry but no spilling, no chilling."

"Okay, bu-"

"No buts, so shut."

*Soul Train(Oct. 13th, 1973)*
Wow, The J5?!?

"Yep, They're really here folks! So before we start, let me bring out America's little sweetheart angel really quick, Miss Brooke Shields!"

"Oh gosh! Uh, Hiya!.." I said, clearly in awe as I mouthed to them, waving slightly.

"Hey, there." They replied, mouthing back to me as I stand close to the brothers while we brought our attention back to the crowds who were screaming with so much excitement.

"Okay y'all, Boy do we gotta show for you tonight!......"

"Alright. Listen good and well, because I don't need to feel to explain myself a few times."


"Good, because we're not really just here for watching the performance."

"W-We're not?"

"Nope, we're also here for you to watch these guys so you'll learn how they've taken in the attention and calm their nerves when they're in the eyes of people who eager and attentive towards them."

"Okay, but can I at least drink some water first? P-Pleeeeaaaassseeee?....."

"Okay, Fine, Fine, Fine! Go, But you better come back quick."


-Hallway bathroom-

"Wow, that's alot of people!" I thought out, rushing to the water.

"Ooh!" I yelped, unknowingly bump into someone who was heading to the same direction as me.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you, that's my bad. I'm really sor-"

"Oh no! There's no need to apologize, really. I should've pay close attention, here, let me help you up."

"Ah, Thanks."

"'s no worries. Oh, I noticed that you ran to the foundation here and it wouldn't be nice if I didn't let you get your drink so ladies first." He said.

"Ahaha, You're so sweet." I replied, nodding.

"Well, my mother has always taught my brothers and I to be gentlemen and respect others including pretty ones like yourself." He compliments as I blushed hard while taking a sip of water which turned to be a chunk that made me cough a bit.

While I was coughing and Michael handed me a napkin which I thanked him for saying that it's nothing serious and I'm okay, I heard someone calling out a name and I'm guessing it's for one of us.

"Hmm, you must be on your way to perform with your brothers now, Huh, Michael?"

"Ah huh! It's really nerve wracking but exciting at the same time. Uh, may I ask Miss, what's your name?"

"Oh, it's Brooke. My name's Brooke Shields. And, it-"

"Brooke! I said to be back there quickly, and what are you doing, huh? Here socializing with a bo—! Holy cow, you're Michael Jackson!"

"Yes, yes, I know I am! Um..Excuse me sir, it was pleasant to meet you sir and you mi-"

"Oh right, sorry for my daughter Brooke behavior. Listen, we'll let you get back to your brothers who are probably waiting on you to return for show."

"Oh that's quite alright. Oops, I almost forgot! Thanks for the reminder sir. Um..hope to see you two in the crowds, bye! I have to go now, They're about to start and they can't do it without me!"

While i was there with so many people around, I heard that familiar voice calling my name.

"Oh hey.

"Hi, Shelly."

"Shel—, What's that, a nickname?"

"Maybe, Unless you're okay with the nicknames?"

"Uh..well, sure. I'm okay with it, I think it's sweet."

*at the Jackson's house*

2 years later...and that was in 1979..
It's been awhile since I've had heard from or seen Brooke, plus I was in the middle of working on a track for my album when I gotta call from my dear friend Whitney.

"Yes, Hello, Who is this?"

"Yes, hi, Mike. It's me, Whitney. How have you been?"

"Oh, I've been okay, you?"

"Been working but stuck with finding lyrics. So whatcha need?"

"Well I have this song I'm working on a track but I can't find the verse to write, you know. It seems like I'm stuck and I don't know why."

"Well I really don't know what to say but this, G.I.T and say whatever sweet thing that's on ya mind."

"Yeah, I guess you're right thanks."

"Mmhmm, Anytime bud. Well, I have to hang up now but let me know if it gets done."

"I will and trust me when I say it's going really really well.. So i have to get back to writing his great, Love ya Whitney.

"Awwwwww, you guys! Thanks, I have to take off too, bye Michael. Love you too."

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