Episode 6.

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Today is 09/07 its Monday and its
4:20 am you are awake you go to take a bath bc you need to wake up Kairi and Emily for school you go in the bathroom you turn around and see Nick hugging you from behind
Nick:why did u come to shower without me bb
You:bc ik your ideas and kids are in house
Nick pouts
You:Yea not gonna happen
Nick:Oh yeaa?!?
He comes closer to you and pushes you into a bath.He comes in with you but you dont do anything.You change in this:

You come out and see Nick checking you out he bites his lipNick:How are you so hot like hot hot hot?You:IdkkNick:But you would look better without tha-You:Kids are in houseNick:Then i will wait for them to leaveYou laugh and go wake up the kids af...

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You come out and see Nick checking you out he bites his lip
Nick:How are you so hot like hot hot hot?
Nick:But you would look better without tha-
You:Kids are in house
Nick:Then i will wait for them to leave
You laugh and go wake up the kids after waking Em and Kai you go to Han's room and see her sleeping
You just go and make panacakes for kids and Nick after they went in school and Hannah is in kindergarten
Soo you just wash dishes and Nick comes and picks you up. He takes ypu to your bedroom, he pushes you to the bed and locks the door
You:Nick what do you want now
Nick:Nothing. (;
You:Yea not gonna happen
Nick:But what if  i wan-
you hear doorbell
You:Oh look someone came to see us lets go
Nick:Oh comee onn ugh people dont want to leave us alone for like 1 min
You:Lets go now
You both go downstairs and you open the door and see Char and Chase
You jump in eachothers arms
Chase:Girls are weird
Nick:Ikr hey bro
They do a bro hug
You:Come innn!
Chase:Okay chile..
You all go in Living room and sit on Couch
You:Chase are you treating my sister well or i need to beat up your A*s
Chase:We are good and you dont need to beat me!
You all talk and hang out until 14 am then Chacha left. In 19 pm kids will come from school and hannah will come from Kindergarten you just clean the house and watch Netflix. Now its 18 pm
You:Yea bb?
You:Shouting with you
Nick laughs
Nick:Can u come(in flirty voice)
You:NICK! We cant do that shit now
Nick:Ughhh okay whatever you say🙂
You:I am going to film tiktoks
Nick:And i am going to watch you! 😉
You just laugh abd film tiktoks. Now you film "Savage" You are throwing it back but Nick comes close to you so you throw it back on him😳!
You:NICK!I was about to throw it back
Nick:But you throwed it back
You:But on you idiot!
Nick:But i liked it😁😊!
You:Omg!Okay then i am going to throw it back on live(you said that bc you know he will be Jealous bc the boys will simp over you)
Nick:Bc the boys will simp over you and you can just throw it back on me!
you just laugh and film tiktoks

^You are Madi
Caption:Nick Wont let me post this but nvm i posted it😁@Nick Austin✔︎

❤️  💬  👁️‍🗨️
9B 12B 20B

Charli Eilish✔︎:Bae you hot🥵
Madi Monroe✔︎:Bestie hot🥵
Dixie Eilish✔︎:🥵🥵🥵🥵
Ryland Eilish✔︎:I cant belive with who i am in Family🤦‍♀️😩!
↪️Ahsley Austin✔︎:Bc we all are hotter than you hahaha😝😝
↪️Ryland Eilish✔︎:i hate you
Billie Eilish✔︎:I miss you sis also your hott🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵❤️❤️🥵!
↪️Ashley Eilish✔︎:Imym bb luv you❤️
Nick Austin✔︎:I am a simp🥵❤️🥵❤️
↪️Ashley Austin✔︎:Ik you are❤️🧸🦋
Fan:Why didnt Nick let her post this?
↪️Nick Austin✔︎:Bc boys will simp over her and she is all mine❤️🦋🧸
↪️Ashley Austin✔︎:Thats why i posted it!!!❤️
Boygamer:Woah she hott🥵🥵
↪️Nick Austin✔︎:Back off asshole
Boy2:Hottie marry me🥵
↪️Nick Austin✔︎:She is married back off or i will beat the shit out of you!!
Emily Austin✔︎:Mom is hot🥵🥵🥵!
↪️Ashley Austin✔︎:ily bb!🦋❤️🌼

back to normal:
Nick:See al boys are simp!!
You:But i am yourss!
Nick:Oh yea you are right!
You both laugh
Nick:I love your name on tiktok
Nick:Bc now you are Austin
You burst out of laughing
Nick:But its true bbg
You:Nick what time is?
Nick:18:58 pm why?
You:Kids will be home and Kai said thay he will come with one of his friends
Nick:Oh okay🙂
You:Bb yk maybe Em will find a boy and then they start to like eachother and then they start dating then get married and then have kids and the-
Nick:WOAH!!NO NO AND NO she is NOT getting MARRIED she is young!!!!
You:Yes she will!
Nick:No she wont bc she is too young for that!
You:Come on Nick!?🥺🥺🥺
Nick:dont do that face!
Nick:OKAY she will!
You:YASS i always win!
Nick:Bc your hott!And pretty and se-
You hear doorbell
Nick:i am coming with you!
You open and see Emily,Kairi,Hannah and one boy
You:Oh thats you come in guys!
Nick:So how was school
Emily:Mine was fine its not boring🙂
Kairi:Also dad mom this is my friend Mattia he is 15 and he is not in my class but he is my bestfriend!Mattia this is my mom Ashley and this is my dad Nick!
You&Nick:Hi Mattia
Mattia:Hi Mr and Mrs
Kairi:Mom can Mattia sleep here tonight?!?🥺🥺🥺Pleasee
You look at Nick and he nod yes
You:Yea sure!
Emily:Mom i am going to change bye dad byee mom❤️
You&Nick:Bye hun
They all go in their rooms and Mattia goes with Kai they went to play games

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