Episode 7

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So this story will end soon i will start new so i hope you guys like this i understand if you want to hate me and hate my stories bc they are bad i know but i just want to have fun before school when school starts i will not post so much...
Its sunday 6:25 am you wake up,do your morning routine and go change in this:

After you go back to the room and Nick wakes upNick:Good morning bbYou:Oh hey bb did i waked u up im sryNick:Noo you didnt i wake up bc i cant sleep anymore bbYou:OkayNick:Sooo what are we doing today You:Idk Hannah is going to kindergarden and Em...

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After you go back to the room and Nick wakes up
Nick:Good morning bb
You:Oh hey bb did i waked u up im sry
Nick:Noo you didnt i wake up bc i cant sleep anymore bb
Nick:Sooo what are we doing today
You:Idk Hannah is going to kindergarden and Em,Mattia and Kai will go to mall and stuff like that
Nick:So we are alone all day until 19 am
You:yea dont think about thatt
Nick:ughhhh finee bb
You:Wanna film some tiktoks??
Nick:Yea sure
You both go and film some tiktoks
Nick post this:

Nick Austin✔︎:My bb cutee🧸❤️🦋


Dixie Eilish✔︎:I miss Ash!!🦋
Charli Eilish✔︎:Awee cute🥺❤️
Ashley Austin✔︎:ily bby❤️🥺
↪️Nick Austin✔︎:ily more🥺❤️❤️
Billie Eilish✔︎:I miss you guys!❤️
↪️Ashley Austin✔︎:Imy too❤️
         *235K more comments*

After tiktoks you guys go downstairs and you make breakfast while Nick drives Hannah to kindergarden and kids eat breakfast you sit down for table when you see Em staring at Mattia..He is playing games with Kairi when Nick comes in she turns her head
Nick:Hellouu guys i am back!
Em:H-Hi dadd!!
You see her nervous
You:Heyy bby!
Nick:Hi bby
Kairi:Hi dad!
Mattia:Hi Mr.Austin
Nick:Hi guys and Mattia you can call me Nick!
Mattia:Okay Nick!
You all laugh But you see Em staring at Mattia again
You:Hey Em
Em snaps out and looks at you
Em:Yea mom?
You:Can we have girls talk?!?
Em:umm yea sure i guess
You:Come with me
You two go upstairs in her room and sit on bed
Em:So what do you wanna talk about mom?
You:Em?do you like ummm...
Em:U-um n-no
You:Em you can say everything to me
Em:but dont say dad because he will be mad at me
You:No he wont he loves you why would he be mad at you??
Em:because i like Mattia
She says fast
You:Omggg howw cute you two would be together awee
Em:Ok woah i though you would be mad
You:No i will never be mad at you or Hannah or Kairi
Em:Omg thank you so much Mom!!!!
She hugs you and you both go downstairs
Nick:Heyy Ash can we talk??
You:Sure i guess
You and Nick go to your room
Nick:I heard you and Em
You:Omg dont be mad at her
Nick:i will not and i am happy for her i hope he likes her back
You:Omgg thank you soo much bby💓
Nick goes and talks to her and he comes back happy
You:Why are you so happy
Nick:Because Emily is happy and im happy for her
You:Awee bby❤️🥺🥺
Nick hugs you and you both lay and cuddle but Nick starts to kiss your neck
You giggle
You:Nick what are you doing?
Nick:I am busy see!
You:I see hehehe
He goes down to your stomach but you stop him heheh
You:bbyyy not so fast!
Nick:Ugh you are so hard to get
You:I know☺︎︎
Nick:letss cuddlee
you both cuddle and in 18:30 nick leaves to go and get Hannah from kindergarden after that you both go,cuddle and fall asleep

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