9~ Really?!

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10 unread messages from Kuroo😽💅

-I can't believe we actually got to see eachother!
-Sorry if the guys made it awkward😤

Kuroo😽💅-I can't believe we actually got to see eachother!-Sorry if the guys made it awkward😤-

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-are you mad at me or sum?
-okay well uh, it was great to actually see you.
-maybe we can meet up again or something
-or not
-no biggy.


Y/N sighs as she reads the messages from Kuroo.


-Im sorry
-Something came up

-Oh right
-Dont worry about it
-are you okay

-why wouldn't i be?

-i don't know
-just asking
-guilty conscience I guess

-oh uh okay
-are you okay?

-Are you free today?

-I think so

-I don't know
-Do you wanna come watch us practice?
-or not
-its cool either way.

-I'll be there
-what time? 😌


-An hour -at the school

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-An hour
-at the school

-I'll see you later then😽

-bye Chibi😽

"Mina! Can you come here a sec?" Y/N shouts her older cousins into her now new bedroom.

"Yeah. What's up shorty?" Mina comes running into the room, sliding along the wooden floor.

"Kuroo asked me to go watch his team practice and I have no idea what to wear. Help me, please?" Y/N begs, sitting down on the bed. "PRACTICE?! BOYS?! GETTING ALL HOT AND RUNNING AROUND?" Mina lays across her 'baby' cousins lap. "Take me with you!"

"Ew, you're like a granny compared to me and all them. Perv!" Y/N laughs and ruffles her hair. "You're too mean Y/N!" Mina shakes her head and sits up. "Im only four years older than you." She huffs and begins to search through Y/Ns clothes.

"You seriously don't have anything sporty?" Mina rolls her eyes. "Why would I?" "Oh I don't know, Y/N. Maybe you secretly go for runs at half two in the morning."

"Thats... thats oddly specific." Y/N laughs. "I think I'll just wear a hoodie and some leggings. Its not like I'll be doing anything anyway."

"You're no fun Y/N." Mina throws a pair of leggings and a definitely oversized hoodie at Y/N. "I wouldn't be me if I was fun. Now leave, let me change." Y/N stands up, pushing her cousin out of the room.

Y/N got dressed and then tied her hair up into a ponytail before leaving her room. (If your hair can't go up in a ponytail it can stay down
¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯)

"Damn girl. You're ass looking extra fine." Mina giggles and slaps Y/Ns ass. "Ow what the fuck?! You're actually weird I swear to god! You best not be like this when we get to the practice." Y/N shakes her head and walks to the door and puts her shoes on.

"You're letting me come with you?! THANK YOU!!" Mina puts her shoes on and follows her cousin out to her car.

-hey yall.

its been a while lmao

I've been really busy with school( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

honestly, second week back and I wanna kermit aliven't

n e ways, thanks for reading 

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