Chapter Twenty Two

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I had been spending time with all three guys as the days went by. My relationship with Nick and Jason had also gotten better.

Nick would swing by at the salon and take me out for lunch, Jason was out and about but came to see me whenever he could. And then there was Erick, he always picked me up from work everyday. He was quite busy with all his projects but he made time for me which I loved.

We had been stealing kisses whenever we were alone, I felt like we were in high school again. It was fun even though I felt kind of bad for favouring him a bit.

My feelings and emotions for all three guys were starting to catch up with me, and things were starting to get even more complicated for me. I had to make my mind up soon, I couldn't keep stringing them along with me for the rest of my life.

All three of them were really sweet and had been paying more attention to me even if it was to keep their egos intact.

It was Saturday afternoon and we were getting ready for Stella beach villa party. I had on a sleeveless cream dress that had two slits on either leg and a gold belt around the wasit. I didn't my hair in curls and applied some makeup.

I walked out to the living room to see if everyone else was ready and saw that they were waiting for me. I froze when I saw Erick, he looked extra handsome and drool worthy. He had on a pair of black skinny jeans and a light short sleeve blue shirt with the first button undone.

"Finally let's get going" Cami said when she saw me, Erick and I just froze checking each other out. Cami and Rom walked past me but I didn't pay them much attention. "Come on you two" Rom called from the front door, I snapped out of my trance turned following after them.

Erick didn't say anything as he followed me out, he wrapped an arm around my waist as we went to the car. When we got to the villa loud music blasted and people wondered around in shinny dresses and bikinis.

"Hey guys over here" Nick called over the loud music. We greeted everyone and had some drinks, we where talking when Erick slung his arm around my shoulder and whispered into my ear. "Let's go dance" he said, "Excuse me" I said to everyone at the table with an apologetic smile.

He held my hand and I followed after him to the dance floor which was also the living room. He had he hands on my hips and my hands were on his shoulders as we swayed to the music, he spun me around and I laughed having fun. We danced a little more before we took a break and walked on the beach.

"That was so much fun" I said excitedly, "yeah I can't believe I still got it" he said. I bumped my shoulder with his and laughed. "What's so funny?" He asked with a raised brow, "nothing" I said shaking my head. "Oh really? You think I'm going to let you get away with that?" He asked.

Before I knew what was happening he pick me up and ran to the water, "Erick stop! No. No. No" I screamed as he pretended to drop me in the water. I fisted his shirt and held on for dear life. He laughed and set me back down on the sand, taking my hand he twirled me around.

He pressed his forehead to mine and I closed me eyes breathing him in. We jumped apart when we heard someone clear their throat. We turned to see Nick looking between the two of us. "Nick you gave me a heart attack" I said holding me chest.

"Sorry I just wanted to talk to you for a minute" he said glaring at Erick who smirked back at him. I could clearly feel the tension between them, "yeah sure" I said going with him and leaving Erick.

We stopped under the deck of the villa. "So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked, Nick didn't reply he looked down conflicted. "I just...I..." he struggled, "what's wrong?" I asked concerned. His eyes snapped to me and he grabbed me pulling me to him then pressing his lips on mine.

It didn't feel right, the kiss was forced and rushed. Hungry almost and I wasn't even kissing him back. I pushed him back and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand before slapping him across the face.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked touching my lip and when I brought my fingers in front of me I saw blood, he had bitten me.

"Alex are you okay I heard you shouting?" Erick asked running up to me, I didn't reply to him. He took one look at my bloody lip then at the blood on my hand and back at Nick. "Erick no! It was just a misunderstanding" I said but Erick's eyes were dark and murderous.

He tackled Nick to the ground and started punching him. "Erick stop! Stop" I shouted trying to pull him off, by now we had gotten everyone's attention.

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