Chapter Twenty-One

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*Jamie's P.O.V*

Louis claps his hands as I put away the last piece of clothing. I sigh and fall onto the bed and stare at the ceiling.

 "What do you want to do now?" Louis asks.

"Sleep," I respond. I shift my position on the bed so I'm lying on my side. Right before I close my eyes Louis jumps to my side.

"Nonsense! We have so much to do!" He exclaims, moving his face closer to mine.

I send him a weak smile, "you're dumb."

The tip of his finger meets my nose. "But you still love me," he says with a smile. He stands up with a small jump, "come on! We have to go get you a tattoo!"

I groan and bury my face in the pillows. I'm starting to regret giving him my bucket list so early; but he is right, we don't have much time. I envision the ink to be printed on my skin. This thought is enough to get me out of the bed. I slowly lift my face from the pillows.

"Yes!" Louis exclaims. I feel his hand grasp my foot. Oh crap. My body is yanked from the bed. I land on the floor with a groan and a loud thump. 

"Louis," I whine. "You have zero patience," I mumble from the fall. I roll over and extend my hands towards his smirking figure. "Help me up, peasant."

His hands grasp mine, he pulls me up. Our faces meet a few inches away.

"Ready to get tatted up?" He asks with a smirk, his breath fanning my face.

"So ready," I respond with an even smirk. For a moment we stand here. I take this moment to examine his blue eyes. I've always wished my eyes were that color; I can't help but be attracted to them.

"Let's go," he whispers. He smiles and turns away. He looks back at me and reaches out his hand. I smile and grasp it as we walk out of the room. We don't speak on our way to the car; we just walk hand-in-hand.

"Oh, hey," Louis speaks as he opens the car door for me.


"Can you draw the tattoo your getting?" He asks, his hands resting on the rim of the door. "So, we can get matching ones," he clarifies. 

I smile, "sure."


I hand Louis the scribbled paper before he exits the car. He takes it and sends me a smile. I hesitently open the car door and step out into the cold pavement. The thought of having ink permanently marked on my skin frightens me. What if they mess up? What if I don't like the placement? What if it's spelled wrong? The whole thing just seems risky to me.

 "This is cute," Louis speaks, looking at the paper. I chuckle in response before walking towards the building. Louis opens the door for me. I am met with a strong scent which resembles the scent of a man's aftershave. I was expecting to see big, burly, bearded, biker guys here; but actually, there's not many people here at all. 

 "Hello! Welcome to The Itchy Skull!" A young, pink-haired woman says as she walks towards the counter. I smile at her appearance. She has a few piercings on her face, a few tattoos on her arms and fingers, and her hair is cut in a bright pink pixie cut.

 "How can I help you?" She asks as we reach the counter.

"We're going to get some tattoos," Louis responds.

"Awesome awesome! You know our motto, 'We do tattoos'!" She responds. I let out a small laugh at the rather cliche motto before covering my mouth. You never know when a big, burly, bearded biker guy will pop up on you.

"Here's the design for mine," Louis says as he hands her the paper. She smiles as her eyes scan it.

"So cute," She says quietly. "I'll get Derek for you," she says to Louis, "and Whisper for you," she says looking at me. 

"Cool," I say quietly in response. 

"Whisper! You need to mark up this pretty young lady!" She calls to the back. "And Derek, you got a nice young fellow!" She yells again.

"Aw man! Why couldn't I have gotten the pretty young lady?" I hear in response. I can't stop a small laugh from coming. 

A girl who looks around my age comes into the room. Unlike the woman who greeted us, she has a dark blue shoulder-cut as her hairstyle.

"I'm Whisper," she says. "Follow me!"

I follow her into the back. She leads me into a chair. I nervously sit down. 

"Do you have an idea of what you want?" She asks me as she slightly grabs some needles. 

"Yeah," I say. I pull out the paper I drew earlier. "This is it. I want a different font though, like a typewriter font." I give her the paper. 

She smiles as she looks at it, "this is cute." 

 She starts rubbing alcohol on my forearm.

"So," I say, wanting to start a conversation. "Is your name really Whisper? Or is that just a nickname?"

"Yeah," she responds. "Although, it doesn't exactly fit," she chuckles. 

"It's a pretty name," I quietly respond. 

She sends me a toothy smile before grabbing her tattoo-gun, "thanks."

I feel the point of the needle on my skin. I bite my lip nervously. I close my eyes as I feel the needle poking my skin. I let out a small whimper. It feels like gentle little bee sting; and they hurt just as much.

"Sorry," she speaks gently. "You'll love it."


I walk back into the lobby to find Louis waiting for me. He stands up from the chair and smiles at me. 

"Ready to go?" He asks, extending his hand out to me. I catch a glimpse of his new tattoo. 

I smile and take it, "yep."

He opens the door for us, I walk outside without losing grasp of his hand. He pulls our hands up with my wrist facing the sky.

"Hey, yours is different," he says, slightly disappointed.

"Well, yeah," I shyly admit. "Yours can be in present tense though," I explain. "Since I'm dying and all, 'Surviving' wouldn't exactly fit. I want people to know I survived this life through it all," I continue. "You, sir," I say, pointing to him with my free hand, "are surviving."

He stops and looks at me as we're only a few feet away from the car. "You're clever," he says simply. I smile and release his hand to enter the car.

Louis sits in the driver's seat and looks at his wrist. He rubs his thumb over the newly inked spot which represents a heart beat. He reaches for my wrist and brings it to his so they're side-by-side.

 We got matching heartbeats on our forearms. The only difference between them is mine has "Survived." beside the beats.

"I like you," Louis says before he puts my wrist back. "I like you a lot," he looks at me with a smile.

I chuckle in response and look out the window. I let out a gentle sigh.

"I can't imagine why," I whisper gently.

A/N Yay I updated ^_^ Winter break is officially over and I officially miss it. I guess it's not too bad since I only have three classes a week (SURPRISE FACT: I'm homeschooled). Still, though. Listening to Ed Sheeran, drinking coffee, and writing is my favorite activity. Homework is dumb (Can I get an 'Amen'?)

-QUESTION OF THE DAY- Who's your favorite musician/band? I like Ed Sheeran, Trevor Moran (XIAT and Slay are my favorites), Sam Tsui, Max Schneider, and Taylor Swift.


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